Thursday, December 13, 2012

38 Weeks

Photo Thoughts: Cute picture but sucky quality due to the fact my hubby felt the need to take the picture with his new iPad mini.  And love the sign so so cute

How Far Along: 38 weeks

Total Weight Gain/Loss: 29 lbs

Size Of Baby: 18.9 to 20.9, about the size of a pumpkin

Cravings: I am still not having anything too extreeme, I just eat a lot of the same thing

Maternity Clothes: Nothing new and exciting, just wearing the same old things, although because I am doing maternity pictures next week (yeah yeah I know I am waiting until the last minute to do them) and when looking at other ones I saw a bunch have women in their pre pregnancy jeans with the top unbuttoned so I thought, lets see if I can do that.  So i tried my favorite pair and voila, they still fit!!  No I can't button them but they look nice and I don't even have a muffin top unless I slouch so I feel like that was a good acomplishment

Stretch Marks: No new ones still and I am praying that the ones I have will be it.

What I Love: Feeling him. It is something that I am going to miss so I am trying to cherish the time that I have him always with me

What I'm Looking Forward To The Most: Having my list done.  With only working one job and with the help of my wonderful hubby I have been crossing things off my list and I just can't wait until everything is done and I know I am ready for him to come.

Sleep:  It comes and goes. Some nights I sleep great, some nights it feels like I am just not sleeping as deeply as I normally do but it isn't horrible.

Belly Button In Or Out: Out and if I am not wearing my normal 3 layers over it, it pokes out through my shirt now.

Happy Or Moody Most Of The Time: This week was happy. I have pretty much relaxed, and let myself be lazy so it has been good.

Symptoms: Back pain, stomach still hurts, and I have to pee (they tend to alternate which is fun) lots but those are about it (am I the only one wondering why I have less symptoms at the end of this then I have throught the rest of it?  It seems odd to me...)

Movement: He loves moving for me and I have got to show a couple people how he likes to stick his leg or something out in my side but in general he doesn't move for other people very much.  I thinkhe is getting too big for my belly though.

The Belly: It is still there, but I don't think it is growing any larger but some people have said it looks bigger so maybe I am wrong, but I don't know

Doctor Visit: So went and saw the doctor today and he said I am a little more effaced but not much and I am dialted to a two still.  He is thinking I should be right around my due date if not a few days late which is fine by me but hubby wants it to happen sooner (I think it is easier for him to say that considering he doesn't have to go through any of the painful stuff).  Oh and he has dropped, I wasn't sure so I asked and apparently he has.

Milestones: He is clinically mature now and is ready to be born at any time.  His body systems are developed.

Monday, November 26, 2012

37 Weeks

Photo Thoughts:  No picture, odd week

How Far Along: 37 weeks

Total Weight Gain/Loss: 27 lbs

Size Of Baby: 18.9 to 20.9 inches, about the size of a winter melon

Cravings: Still nothing extreme. I just eat lots of small meals (I now have to because I get full so quickly) which made it really fun when I had 3 separate Thanksgiving meals

Maternity Clothes: I am looking for a cute dress to wear when I do maternity pictures, other then that just the same ones.

Stretch Marks: Nothing new, so I am hoping those are the only ones that I get.  .

What I Love:  That I am so close to the end.  I love the look on people's faces when I say I only have 3 weeks left (because I don't look that far along). And just having him with me, I love knowing that he is right there all the time, it is going to suck when he is not just attached to me.

What I'm Looking Forward To The Most:  I know I should be saying having this over with or being done, or getting to meet him, which is sort of true (I do want to meet him) but I like being pregnant.  And being a mom scares me so I would rather just stay pregnant for as long as I can, I'm getting good at this and I am feeling good now so I guess I am looking forward to..... being off of work.  I am down to only one job now (from my previous 3) and I have never taken so much time off at once, not even for my wedding so it is going to be nice.

Worries: I touched on it a bit before but I am worried that I'm not going to know what to do.  I have read books etc etc but it is never the same as doing it yourself.  I am getting more comfortable with the labor stuff (although now I know the signs of going into it I am paranoid about watching for all of the signs) but once he is out and with me, I don't want to just freeze.  Hubby assures me that I will be a good mom and I will know what to do when the time comes but I am just not sure....

Sleep: Not great, I keep waking up and I actually had a night of insomnia, where I got maybe 2 hours and I wouldn't figure out why I wasn't sleeping (it was very annoying) but after that night it has been much better with not as much waking up except to flip over.

Belly Button In Or Out: Out.

Happy Or Moody Most Of The Time: Moody.  This has been a hard week, I had my last day at one of my favorite jobs (I had been there for almost 7 years) and then it was Thanksgiving and I decided to do Black Friday because I normally have to work because I work retail so I could this year and I ran around for about 7 hours on Thanksgiving (places opened early so from around 7 to about 2:30) and then got up the next day and ran for about another 9 hours so by the end of the day I was so tired and stressed that I might have had a little breakdown that resulted in me going to bed at around 9.....

Symptoms: I had a headache that wouldn't go away for about 2 days (and when I told the doctor about this I was told to come in if it happens again because it could be a sign that I am having blood pressure problems) and normal back pain when I do things that will hurt it (sit in bad chairs for long periods of time etc) and still some belly pain but it is not as bad as it was.

Movement:  He scoots around lots, but it seems like he is getting bigger and my belly isn't so he is just more cramped so he can't move around as much.

The Belly: I think it has stopped growing... it looks the same size to me and I would like it to be bigger (even one of the nurses commented that she didn't think I looked as far along as I am)

Doctor Visits: So I am going to add in this new one for the last few because I am visiting the doctor every week and he is checking to see how I am doing and how close I am so I thought since I post everything else about my pregnancy, lets post about how close I am to going into labor :)  So my last appointment was on Wednesday (11/21) and I normally do Friday appointments but they were closed because of Thanksgiving.  So they checked me and I am 75% effaced and 2 cm dilated so he said that we are just waiting for me to go into labor but he thinks it is going to be sooner then later, which would be nice considering I have everything planned around him coming on or close to my due date.

Milestones: He is developing his own immune system.  He looks like an actual newborn now. (I am not sure why but none of my sources really has much for this week sorry :( )

Sunday, November 25, 2012

36 Weeks

Photo Thoughts:  So I hate the weird shadows but overall a cute picture and I loved the Thanksgiving theme on the sign and of course since it was so cute I had to post it too.  They have all been printed now so (you know all 2 that I have left) and they all have the cute backgrounds so I will be posting 2 pictures technically each time from now on.

How Far Along: 36 weeks

Total Weight Gain/Loss: 26lbs

Size Of Baby: 17.2 to 18.7 inches, about the size of a honeydew

Cravings: Still nothing weird, although I am liking things that I don't normally love.  Normally I don't really like cake (i will eat it plain but not really with frosting) but for my shower I had to have an actual cake and I have been loving the leftovers.  It just tastes so good and I am not sure if it was the cake or just me (and by the way it was a baby belly cake and was absolutely adorable helps too)

Maternity Clothes: Still the same things, still loving the leggings and looking into buying more buy I am trying to look at nursing clothes so that I have something when the time comes

Stretch Marks:  Same 3 spots, boobs, back of thighs and on my one side by my hip, which is looking more pronounced but isn't much bigger, thank goodness.

What I Love: Has to go to my baby shower :)  It was so much fun, my best friend came down from up north for it so not only did I get to hang out with her for more then a couple hours but I got to have an awesome party where so many friends helped set everything up (there were 5 of us total working for minimum 5 hours before the party, yeah it was kind of extensive) but all the sweet people that came and celebrated with me, it was just so much fun.

What I'm Looking Forward To The Most:  Finishing getting ready, I am excited to do everything so that it will all be ready for when he comes.

Worries: That my wonderful hubby will definately decide that he doesn't like the name we picked, he is becoming iffy about it right now and has gone back to searching for one that I will like too which will be fun for him because I like the name we picked so it will have to be really good for me to want to change my mind, but it was just one thing I thought we had kind of decided....

Sleep: I keep waking up but I am still tired lots but maybe if I slept for more then 6 hours at a time I wouldn't be....

Belly Button In Or Out: Out, although if I lay down in the right way it looks like it is still in :)

Happy Or Moody Most Of The Time: Happy, it has been a good week, I have been getting stuff done and haven't worked a ton (which is wonderful) so it has been good.

Symptoms: Back pain, random stabbing pain which is apparently my muscles freaking out because they are getting stretched too much....  Nothing remotely like labor.  And the doctor said I will still be pregnant next week (I am now doing weekly appointments) so I am pretty confident that I am not having a baby this week, thank goodness

Movement: He moves, I watch him.  He sticks his limbs in my ribs and I push them away (I have no clue if I am supposed to do this but since it makes sitting really uncomfortable I figure he is fine to scoot a little) But I really do love seeing him move because to me, that shows that he is alive and healthy. And I don't remember if I had already mentioned this and I don't really want to go back and read the posts to check so if I did then you get to hear about it again.  So he will play with me now a little, if I tap on my belly where I can feel him, he will move in response :)  To me that is so awesome because he seems to just normally move when he wants to, but I am glad he will perform for me a little.

The Belly: Sore and big, I can't tell if it is growing much still but it isn't as large as I think it should be.  My mom says I should be happy I don't have a huge belly but I don't think people believe that I am as far along as I am and I want a decent sized belly to do maternity pictures (I know it is a obvious pregnant belly but still)

Milestones: His skin is getting smoother and his kidneys and liver are fully functional.  His circulation and immune system are good to go too.

Monday, November 19, 2012

35 Weeks

Photo Thoughts:  No picture, odd week

How Far Along: 35 weeks

Total Weight Gain/Loss: 24 lbs

Size Of Baby: 17.2 to 18.7 inches long, about the size of a coconut

Cravings: Just food, I am just hungry all of the time but I am really working on not eating everything in sight.

Maternity Clothes: Just got a new outfit for my shower and I have realized that I love leggings, I have never worn them before but my friend was helping me find something cute and had me try them and then I didn't want to take them off.

Stretch Marks: So I am so sad to report that apparently I also have stretch marks on the back of my thighs.  I have no clue why but I do and I am just very glad that I can't see them myself.

What I Love: Having him there, I keep thinking that once he is out, I won't get to feel him move all the time with me at work and everything so I am trying to take it all in while I can.

What I'm Looking Forward To The Most: Doing more things on my list, I have been slowly marking things off with the help of my wonderful hubby and it feels good to see that there items crossed off of it.

Worries: That I won't finish everything in time and that I won't know what I am doing.  Hubby has been wonderful with both of those saying we can always buy stuff as we go and that we have enough natural instincts to not completely screw up as parents and that there are much less caring people out there that have perfectly healthy babies so we should be fine (yeah the second part was less comforting but I appreciated the thought and the effort)

Sleep: Not as great, it is harder to be comfortable and I keep catching myself sleeping on my back which is bad for me and the baby so I try to roll over but it is so comfy to be on my back....

Belly Button In Or Out: Out

Happy Or Moody Most Of The Time: This was a very long week with lots to do so I am going with moody.  I had a couple freakouts when I had more to do then I had time for but thanks to my mom and friends everything got done and I didn't have to do most of it.  

Symptoms: Random belly pain, the top is still hurting  but I was told when he drops it should stop, but then I will have to pee all the time, which I think I would rather have.  My back has been on and off but not nearly as bad as it once was.

Movement: Not as much kicking, a lot more just scooting around and sticking his limbs in my ribs and hips which is fun in itself :)

The Belly: Getting much larger, a way I can tell is my maternity pants when pulled all the way up don't go to my boobs now, they are just slightly over my belly button, so the belly must be a decent amount larger from when I first started wearing them.

Milestones: 99% of babies born now survive without any mojor complications so that is a big yay!  The central nervous system is maturing, the digestive system is almost complete and the lungs are fully mature.

34 Weeks

(So I am going to start this with a not about why there is no 33 weeks.  Even though I post most of these late, I do normally write them on the Friday I hit my new week or Saturday but for some reason I never did the last week and it is now so far gone that I can't remember it really so I am just moving on and considering I have done 25 of these so far, missing one isn't too horrible.)

Photo Thoughts: Good picture :) I would have liked to have been smiling more but hey I can't have everything

How Far Along: 34 weeks

Total Weight Gain/Loss: 23 lbs

Size Of Baby: Finally has moved to a new bracket, 17.2 to 18.7 inches, about the size of a butternut squash.

Cravings: I have been eating normal lately although I have been wanting some pot roast but not bad enough that I am going to actually cook it myself

Maternity Clothes: Wearing lots and looking into nursing stuff now, I figure I should start stocking up

Stretch Marks: Boobies and the one that is starting to develop on my side, down by my hip :(  It is still small though so I am hoping that it will stay like that.

What I Love: Him getting so big.  Sometimes it feels like he is all over in my belly and it is kind of fun, sometimes annoying but it feels like bonding to have him move and to talk to him about it if he is being annoying.

What I'm Looking Forward To The Most: Getting the nursery (aka one side of my bedroom) set up, I am pretty much done with all of my sewing projects and we have almost all the furniture, we just beed to rearrange everything and put it all together how we want it, but if everything goes according to my pan we should have it done by next week.  That way in case he comes early we will be ready :) Also for the baby shower which is coming up :)

Worries: Not being prepared for the birth, everyone is getting me all worried so I am now reading books and things but so far they aren't helping as much as I would like, I am not sure what to really do about it :/

Sleep: On and off, some nights I sleep great others I keep waking up and having problems getting comfy, I might need to get a new body pillow (I was borrowing one from a friend who then got prego too so she needed it back and I was just using one that we had from around the house but it doesn't seem to work as well)

Belly Button In Or Out: So out, and it is all soft, I didn't expect that

Happy Or Moody Most Of The Time:  This week was happy, I have had fun working on stuff so it had been good.

Symptoms: Back pain but I have borrowed a heating pad from my mom and that really helps.  My stomach, the actual skin still hurts but I keep being told it is normal, it is just really annoying :( 

Movement: He moves all the time.  He likes to hang out on my right side most of the time and seems to like to keep a limb firmly planted in my ribcage, it is awesome :) 

The Belly: Getting bigger, I really do look pregnant now so it is kind of fun.

Milestones: He is starting to be able to reconize and react to simple songs.  He is developing his immune system to fight off mild infections.

Friday, November 16, 2012

32 Weeks

Photo Thoughts: I am wearing my Halloween costume and for some reason am not smiling very much but not a bad picture, kinda cute.

So because I got a special one this week for Halloween but since I take all of my pictures at night you can't really see how adorable it is so I have to post what it actually looks like.

How Far Along: 32 weeks

Total Weight Gain/Loss: 21 lbs

Size Of Baby: 15.2 to 16.7 inches about the size of a squash

Cravings: Nothing much, just eating normal stuff

Maternity Clothes: Wearing all maternity clothes pretty much.

Stretch Marks: Same ones except I think I have seen on lower on my side but it is tiny and my hubby says that I am just crazy but I swear it is there

What I Love: Being able to feel him physically inside me (like i can place my hand on my stomach, feel around a bit and feel something hard inside and I have figured out that I am feeling him inside me)

What I'm Looking Forward To The Most: Getting to hold him, with how wiggly he has been I am very excited to hold him in real life

Worries: That he will come early and we won't be ready for it

Sleep: Alright, even better when I get lots of it.

Belly Button In Or Out: Out but it isn't hard like I thought it would be, it is soft and squishy

Happy Or Moody Most Of The Time:  It was a hard week, just not good mostly so moody

Symptoms: Back pain so much pain.  It has been really bad, I have also had headaches and the skin on my belly feels like a fun combination of of a sunburn, sore and bruised.

Movement: He gets hiccups a lot, and seems to be very wiggly which I love, it is so much fun to see and feel him move all the time.

The Belly: Getting big

Milestones: He can turn his head from side to side and his toenails are complete. He keeps practicing opening and closing his eyes but he sleeps 90% of the time.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

31 Weeks

Photo Thoughts: No photo, odd week

How Far Along: 31 weeks

Total Weight Gain/Loss: 20 lbs

Size Of Baby: 15.2 to 16.7 inches long, about the size of a pineapple (which now kind of makes me want one....)

Cravings: Well talking about pineapple kind of made me want one right now but other then that nothing really new or weird.  I think I just might be one of those people that doesn't get a ton of cravings, which I think is a good thing because I would probably give in to all of them and then become huge very quickly.

Maternity Clothes: I got to wear my adorable nice dress last night to an art event with my mom and I felt cute and dressed up and like me again, just with a belly that everyone wants to touch (no strangers yet so far only people that know me are doing that)

Stretch Marks: No new ones that I can see but I am going to have to make hubby look for me again because I can't really see the bottom of my belly very well but I don't feel any so we are going to go with just the same ones.

What I Love: Being able to see and feel him move. Last week when he wasn't moving as much, I missed it.  And seeing my belly move when he does makes me feel like I actually have something in there, it is so weird.  Also my hubby gets a mention too because not only did he get me 2 new charms for my bracelet (and got the bracelet fixed because I am me and break every piece of jewelry that I own) but when I told him that I think I had found a book that I have been trying to find again for years (I read it when I was a teenager and loved it but promptly forgot the name and haven't been able to find it since) he got the name and went and ordered it online for me so that I could own it and never lose it again.  (Now I know that really isn't pregnancy related but it was really sweet)

What I'm Looking Forward To The Most: Baby.  I am just excited in general, to see him and get my old body back, where it doesn't do weird things and hurts all of the time....

Worries: Baby.  Yeah I know but I am still on the OMG I have no clue what to do kick and whenever I see a newborn I just think, "Wow, that is so small and fragile looking, I don't want to touch one of those, I'm going to so drop it and kill it...."
Sleep: Weird dreams are back, but I have no memory of them and I did have a couple nights where I just slept horribly, and it has gone on and off ever since but the past couple nights have been my normal conk out and I am gone.

Belly Button In Or Out: Out... and when I wear tighter shirts and don't have 3 layers of cloth over my stomach you can see the top part sticking out  .

Happy Or Moody Most Of The Time:  Happy week, it was a good week, it has been busy like normal but hubby has been really sweet so that has lifted my mood lots.
Symptoms: Back pain, belly pain, acid reflux, headaches, and that is about it.  Oh yeah this is getting fun.

Movement: On and off, some days he will be kicking tons and others he will just move around and not do as much but he is moving so we are all good.

The Belly: Big, getting there, waiting for it to get bigger....

Milestones: All 5 senses are now working. He is continuing to put on weight, his brain is still having a growth spurt., and his eyes are prepared for life after birth, they are open when active and closed during sleep.

30 Weeks

Photo Thoughts:The color of the words are dark again and my shadow on them didn't help but in general a cute picture but just wait for the next one, I have seen the proof for it and it is going to be freaking adorable

How Far Along: 30 weeks, only 10 weeks left!

Total Weight Gain/Loss: 20 lbs

Size Of Baby: 15.2 to 16.7 about the size of a cucumber

Cravings: I like to snack on fruit roll ups (and I had been looking in every grocery store for the real fruit ones that you find in the produce section and was not finding them until we went to the most expensive grocery store in town and I found one!!) and M&M's but nothing too big on cravings

Maternity Clothes: I wear them, they make me look pregnant and it is so fun to get to have a new wardrobe for awhile.

Stretch Marks: Still only on my boobs but I keep checking every once in awhile

What I Love: People knowing that I am pregnant, I not only had my first person actually ask if I was expecting I then had another one ask me (the first one had known me in high school though so it was more obvious that I am larger where as the other one was a complete stranger)

What I'm Looking Forward To The Most: Lots of things, the baby shower, getting big enough that I will take maternity pictures, getting to meet him...  Time goes so fast during the week but it still seems like I have so long to go even though it is only a little over 2 months.

Worries: Going into labor, if it happens early (like way early not a week or 2 early) I feel like I would be screwed because I have not read the books that my amazing doula gave me to look at so that I can make my birth plan and I have done nothing because if I read the books then going into labor becomes real and that is even scarier.

Sleep: So according to all of the pregnancy books and apps I should be more tired then ever but I have actually cut my naps back a half an hour (so they are now an hour and half instead of 2 hours) but I still need to get to bad at least by 10:30 but I didn't work a few mornings and one night I got 10 hours of sleep and was then rewarded by being able to stay up until almost 3 the next morning (I had to do a late trip to Vegas and then stayed up for the trip back instead of sleeping)  So I seem to be doing good on sleep still, thank goodness.

Belly Button In Or Out:  Out... my mom says I can no longer say it is half and half but the top part is still sticking more out then the bottom. 

Happy Or Moody Most Of The Time:  I had to spend a few days away from my hubby which is always hard for me so I would have to say moody.  

Symptoms: Back pain is back full swing, and I am ready to go and get a professional massage in hopes that will make it better for at least a bit.  Other then that, headaches still, acid refux which then makes me want to not eat at all.  And the top of my belly likes to hurt which I was told is from my organs getting pushed around to make room for the baby.

Movement:  So it was weird, he wasn't moving around as much but it wasn't to the point that I was worried it just didn't seem to be as much kicking, more just scooting around and changing positions.

The Belly: Getting big, I am feeling so big and I am almost at the point where my stomach is bigger then my boobs (not just yet but it is getting pretty close).  And I realized I am so not one of those woman that have a nice tiny pregnancy belly, it is taking up my whole front.  I have a wide looking belly (when in reality I don't think I am actually wider it is just making me look like I am)

Milestones: The hair on his head is getting thicker and his toenails are growing.  His skin is getting smoother and he is now strong enough to grasp a finger.  His eyes can move in their sockets and he is becoming more attuned to sound, taste, and smell.

Saturday, September 29, 2012

29 Weeks

Photo Thoughts: Odd week no picture

How Far Along: 29 weeks

Total Weight Gain/Loss: 18 lbs

Size Of Baby: 15.2 to 16.7 inches about the size of an acorn squash (not that I have ever seen one of those....)

Cravings: I eat lots of fruit roll ups right now, I find them on sale and then buy like 4 boxes at a time

Maternity Clothes: I got some adorable new shirts courtesy of my hubby and I am in full swing for wearing maternity clothes, pretty much every day now

Stretch Marks: Still confined to my boobs but if my belly were going to get some in this trimester would be when it will happen so I am on the lookout

What I Love: The fact that we finished the bedding for him, so now our crib has not only a mattress in it but sheets on the mattress.

What I'm Looking Forward To The Most: Getting the rest of the room finished, I still have quite a bit to do but it seems to be coming along nicely

Worries: That I won't be prepared enough and we won't know what to do in time for him to get here

Sleep: Still lots of sleeping but haven't been sleeping great, weird dreams and not getting as comfortable as I could be.

Belly Button In Or Out:  Still the same, half and half 

Happy Or Moody Most Of The Time: Happy, it has been a good week. 

Symptoms: Back pain, headaches, acid reflux and then the fun random belly pains but other then those I am peachy :)

Movement: So much of it, I can not only feel it but also see it, it is kind of neat.   

The Belly: I think I look pregnant now but apparently everyone else says I am not that big for how far along I am.  But I definitely have a belly now.

Milestones: He is starting to regulate his own body temperature and urinates half a liter a day. His head is proportionate to the rest of his body and his brain is developing nerve connections. He can tell the difference between artificial light and sunlight.

28 Weeks

Photo Thoughts: Not a great picture (it is another iPhone picture) and the words now seem a bit dark and harder to read, hopefully I will find my camera charger sometime this week so the pictures will get better again.

How Far Along: 28 weeks and into the third trimester

Total Weight Gain/Loss: 17 lbs

Size Of Baby: 13.6 to 14.8 still about the size of an eggplant

Cravings: Nothing that I don't already eat, normal stuff :)

Maternity Clothes: Completely into wearing them, I look pregnant now (but apparently not to everyone) so I want to wear maternity clothes that way I don't stretch out my normal shirts

Stretch Marks: Still just on my boobs, I am keeping my fingers crossed that that is the only place I get them

What I Love: His movement, it is so fun to get to feel him move all the time

What I'm Looking Forward To The Most: Finishing all the stuff with his bedroom, we are almost done with the bedding and then I will bring it home and the crib won't look as weird by having nothing in it.

Worries: Well apparently I wasn't worried last week when it happened(or I was just ditzy and didn't remember it when I was writing this) but I got in a little fender bender last week and so when I went to the doctor I had him double check the heartbeat and he decided to kick right then, it was kind of fun but it was good to hear it and know that he is alright

Sleep: Good sleep but back to having weird dreams, anything from house burning down to finding my husband's iPad (mind you he doesn't own one) is full of porn... yeah my mind it a bit weird apparently.

Belly Button In Or Out: Still half and half but the top half is sticking out a lot more, you are starting to be able to see it through my shirt

Happy Or Moody Most Of The Time: Happy!! It was a good week, nothing to bad  

Symptoms: Back is hurting again and I get random belly pains but I have been told that is normal, not many headaches, and that;s it I think

Movement: Lots of movement, and it is not just kicking, weird moving feeling of limbs, but it is good to feel him

The Belly: I am thinking about starting to measure it to see how big I get in this last trimester but I definitely look pregnant now not just fat.

Milestones: He is capable of breathing air but if he was born now would have a hard time doing it outside my body. His brain is developing folds and grooves and is starting to get more fat so he is looking less wrinkly.

Sunday, September 23, 2012

27 Weeks

Photo Thoughts: No picture

How Far Along: 27 weeks

Total Weight Gain/Loss: 16 this week

Size Of Baby: 13.6 to 14.8, about the size of a rutabaga

Cravings: Nothing special, just hungry, want to eat lots of food

Maternity Clothes: So wearing them needing more because my normal clothes are not fitting as well anymore

Stretch Marks: All around my boobs, but that is it so far and my mom found a way to try and make them less noticeable so I am going to have to try it and see how it works

What I Love: Being able to see and feel him move inside me, it really is so cool and the fact that we now have a crib and have put it together

What I'm Looking Forward To The Most: Finishing the sheets so that we can finish putting all of the bed stuff together and his room will start looking more like a room

Worries: A little bit about the gestational diabetes test this next week but not that much

Sleep: I actually haven't been as tired but I still love my sleep and need lots of it

Belly Button In Or Out: Still the weird half in, half out, it needs to make up it's mind

Happy Or Moody Most Of The Time:  Happy, it was a good week, it went fast

Symptoms: Back hurt, and acid reflux, but that is all I can think of right now, it has been a good week

Movement: So much of it, you can see my belly kinda ripple when he kicks, it has become a game for me to watch it but tons of movement

The Belly: Looking big and getting bigger but still pretty adorable

Milestones: He is now showing brain activity, his retinas begin to form and he can open his eyes.  He will suck his thumb in the womb and and has fully functional taste buds and cheeks.

26 Weeks

Photo Thoughts: So back to crappy picture quality, I somehow managed to lose my camera charger so we had to resort back to the horrible iPhone.  And my dog Nala decided that she wanted to make an appearance, and was such a good dog to sit for the picture, otherwise, not horrible picture.

How Far Along: 26 Weeks

Total Weight Gain/Loss: Up to 15 lbs which is still pretty good

Size Of Baby: 13.6 to 14.8 inches about the size of a head of lettuce

Cravings: Cereal, and I keep thinking about cookies but I haven't had a chance to actually get some yet so maybe next week

Maternity Clothes: So because I am extremely spoiled, my grandma got a $100 gift card for free and decided to use it on me so I got a pair of slacks (I only need to wear them once a week but I have had to resort to wearing skirts every time and in about a month I will be very cold), a couple shirts and an adorable dress.  I had asked one of my pregnant friends where she got her maternity clothes in town (for as many kids people have here they seem to have a slim selection of kids and maternity stuff) and she told me about a place called Kid Connection so since my mom and I were in the area we checked it out and found some more clothes.  I got a few more shirts, another swim suit (my boobs are starting to pop out of my other one) and a nicer dress which I really needed because I know I have an event coming up

Stretch Marks: My poor poor boobs.... but at least the only people that see them is me, my hubby and soon to be my baby

What I Love: How active he is, I get to feel him move lots now

What I'm Looking Forward To The Most: Hitting the third trimester

Worries: Nothing specific this week

Sleep: Just can't seem to get enough, always so so tired....

Belly Button In Or Out: Still half and half, it is weird

Happy Or Moody Most Of The Time:  Half and half this week, I have had bad days and good days, they just seem to be kind of random

Symptoms: Back pain is back full swing but the doctor is my hero and the magnesium is working and I have no more Charlie horses so thank goodness for that.  Other then fatigue that is pretty much it this week.

Movement: So so much movement and it was so weird, I felt his head move, it was this big lump moving around, and he kicks lots and moves around although I can't normally tell what part of him is moving.

The Belly: Swear it is getting bigger and it is definitely there.

Milestones: He has eyelashes and is getting his  immune system ready by soaking up my anitbodies.  He is able to distinguish between light and dark from inside me and will respond to sounds.

Friday, August 31, 2012

25 Weeks

Photo Thoughts: No picture

How Far Along: 25 weeks

Total Weight Gain/Loss: Fun jump this week to 14 lbs

Size Of Baby: 13.6 to 14.8 inches, he finally is a different size and about the size of a cauliflower

Cravings: I have been eating lots of sandwiches and fruit roll ups (apparently I have the appetite of a 5 year old)

Maternity Clothes: Still using the same ones but they are doing good

Stretch Marks: Still just on my boobs, thank goodness

What I Love: This week I have a few things. Number one is my husband, we were at a friends house that has a 1 year old daughter.  Hubby got to play with her for quite awhile (her parents were getting everything ready for her to go to bed) and just watching him playing with a baby makes me so excited to see him with our kid and how good he is going to be with him.  I also love my neighbors that were getting ready for a garage sale but my hubby thought they were having one and saw lots of baby stuff so he told me about it and I wandered over.  He so should have not done that....  I walked away with a stroller, a carrier, a crib mattress (which is actually brand new, I wouldn't have gotten it otherwise), a electronic swing thing and a bunch of clothes for the low low price of $90!!  I was so excited and thrilled because everything is in such good condition.

What I'm Looking Forward To The Most: Getting to the third trimester, I am getting really close

Worries: Just normal stress and trying to figure out how everything is going to work with a child

Sleep: Good, I just do it as much as I can

Belly Button In Or Out: Still half and half, it is really kind of weird looking

Happy Or Moody Most Of The Time:  It was a good week, so happy

Symptoms: So my back pain has come back but now it is in my shoulder blade, which is odd.  Other then that I have been pretty good, my legs are feeling good, only like one or 2 headaches, and not much acid reflux.

Movement: Lots of movement and I got a fun story with this one.  So hubby half wakes me up and I don't notice when his hand sits on my belly and suddenly he says, "I think I felt him move, did he just kick?"  I wasn't paying attention, I was sleeping so I just said "sure something moved" so there he sat for a few more minutes and then he really did start kicking, lots, while his hand was still there to feel it, he was so excited and I just wanted to get back to sleep so I should have acted more excited but I was awake enough to notice that I wasn't very excited.  The next day however I realized how cool it was that he finally got to feel him too.

The Belly:  Getting bigger, I think....  I see it every day so it is harder for me to tell.

Milestones: He now can tell up from down.  He has fully formed fingerprints, he bones continue to harden and he nostrils are starting to open.

Sunday, August 26, 2012

24 Weeks

Photo Thoughts: Love the sign this week, I think I am slouching so I look bigger then I am, and my hair looks kinda funny because I had been swimming earlier

How Far Along: 24 weeks

Total Weight Gain/Loss: Still at 12 lbs

Size Of Baby: 10.5-11.8 inches still, about the size of a cantaloupe

Cravings: Not much in repeats this week, I'm just trying to not eat a ton because I seem to be hungry all the time

Maternity Clothes: Same ones

Stretch Marks: Same ones

What I Love: Getting to see him, and feel him (the ultrasound pictures will be at the end of the post) it was so cool to get to see him moving around and seeing where in me he is.  I also love the fact that I got a car seat (it was on a good sale) and it is my first big item for him so I am excited that we are getting started.

What I'm Looking Forward To The Most: Getting into the third trimester, it is pretty close so I am excited to hit that milestone

Worries: That I won't be ready for everything when he comes

Sleep: Lots of it, I remember some weird dreams but nothing too bad or that I remember

Belly Button In Or Out: Still half and half, it looks funny but it's cute

Happy Or Moody Most Of The Time: Happy this week mostly, I had one or two episodes but not nothing too huge 

Symptoms: Charlie horses, a little back pain and to make it fun, I went swimming and got horrible swimmers ear, it wouldn't go away for hours, it was bad.  But since I did get to go to the doctor this week I asked him about them and he told me to take magnesium for my charlie horses, to take some Aflin because it will help my ears drain (I know it sounds gross) and swimming will actually help my back so hopefully all of those can be helped.

Movement: He seems to like to sleep during the day and move in the morning and night

The Belly: I definitely have one but not everyone can tell and for being 6 months along I keep being told that I am looking tiny

Milestones: He is starting to develop white blood cells so that he can fight off infection.  His skin is becoming more opaque. His face and body are continuing to fill out and his muscles are growing, bones are strengthening and organs are continuing to develop

So at the ultrasound he had the hiccups so we could see his little chest jumping, we got to see a great footprint and he kept rubbing his eyes and touching his face, it was so neat to get to see.  They checked the heart again and everything is looking healthy.

Saturday, August 25, 2012

23 Weeks

Photo Thoughts: Odd week, no picture

How Far Along:
23 weeks

Total Weight Gain/Loss:
12 lbs

Size Of Baby: 
10.5 to 11.8 still, about the size of a grapefruit

Same as usual, I keep wondering when those weird cravings that you hear pregnant people having but I have yet to get any so maybe I will just have normal cravings

Maternity Clothes:
Just the same ones that I already have, nothing new

Stretch Marks:
Just the ones that I already have..... they make me sad.....

What I Love:
Working on his bedding, we have started making stuff for him and it is so much fun, I love doing all that stuff for him.

What I'm Looking Forward To The Most:
My appointment on Friday, I get to see him again

None right now, I have been good

Good this week just never can seem to get enough

Belly Button In Or Out:
It is out but it hasn't popped out past my belly yet but it has decided that it wants to be lopsided, the top is out farther then the bottom so it is kinda funny looking right now

Happy Or Moody Most Of The Time: 
It wasn't the best time..... I kind of had a freakout at my husband that ended in me walking to a elementary school park barefoot and angry.  It kind of sucks that I know when I am being crazy but the same time it feels completely justified so it is hard sometimes.

My back hurt again for a few days and the acid reflux comes and goes, but I have been getting killer Charlie horses this week so that hasn't been fun

Lots of it, he likes to move

The Belly:
Big (at least to me) and out there

His face if fully formed, he just needs some more fat to fill it out.He listens to the sound of my voice and heartbeat and can hear other loud noises like cars honking and dogs barking, and he can tell which ones are from me and which aren't.

Monday, August 13, 2012

21 Weeks

Photo Thoughts: Odd week, no picture

How Far Along:
21 weeks

Total Weight Gain/Loss:
Up to 10lbs this week which I think is still pretty darn good

Size Of Baby:
10.5 inches, about the size of a pomegranate now if you don't remember how big 20 weeks was, it was 6.5 inches so he has grown a ton this week!! 4 inches is a lot to a baby

I eat pineapple every day, I was with my mom at Costco last week and saw a box of canned pineapple chunks and had to get it, I am eating about a can every 2 days

Maternity Clothes:
Nothing besides by belly band but I think I might break down soon and get maternity pants and some tank tops (to wear under my normal shirts because I don't think I am that big yet)

Stretch Marks:
No!! I had my hubby check yesterday because I was paranoid that I wasn't seeing them

What I Love:
The fact that I can feel him now, it is so weird and yet so cool at the same time and being past the half way mark.

What I'm Looking Forward To The Most:
My next doctors appointment, even though it is about 3 weeks away, I will get to see my little guy again

Not much this week, I have been pretty good on the baby front

It seems to come and go, my naps have been horrible this week, I swear I am only getting about 10 to 20 minutes instead of the normal hour so it has been bad but night sleep has been pretty good

Belly Button In Or Out:
I am officially out now, I have been playing with it, it's fun

Happy Or Moody Most Of The Time:
This week has had lots of ups and downs so I am going to have to say moody.  I have had days that have been really upset easily and then laughing so hard I am crying at something that isn't that funny.

Everything just seems to hurt, my legs,my belly, my back, my head, everything, it is discouraging. 

I had the best moment today, I was sitting at work and I felt like a roll where he is (mind you I had my Douala tell me where the top of my uterus is so that I would know exactly where he is) and I am like 90% sure that I had felt him flip over, it was so cool, and I am starting to distinguish what is him moving and not so i am going to say that there is officially movement now.

The Belly:
Showing, adorable loving it :) I touch it all the time and have no problem lifting my shirt up to show people, I'm sure I am completely embarrassing to other people but it's ok.

He is getting visible eyebrows, eyelashes and hair on his scalp.  His digestive system is developed enough that he is able to absorb water from the amniotic fluid. His taste buds are developed and can sense touch. He also will suck his thumb or stoke his face.

20 Weeks

Photo Thoughts:  Cute picture, not 100% actually 20 weeks... I had issues this past month but I couldn't just not take one but it looks cute, love the board

How Far Along:
20 weeks

Total Weight Gain/Loss:
9 lbs now I know that it is a weight jump from last week but considering how much bigger my belly and not much else of me has gotten so much bigger I figure it is ok.

Size Of Baby:
6.5 inches, about the size of a banana

I have been eating lots of grapes and pineapple this week, I feel very healthy

Maternity Clothes:
Sort of... so I realized that my pants were leaving indents in my stomach after sitting for 8 hours a day but I couldn't bring myself to buy some so my mom took me to Target to get a belly band so that I could continue wearing my normal pants and oh my gosh do I love it and it is so much better.

When we were they we also stopped to look at swimsuits because I am popping out of my current one and my parents are getting a pool so I will need something.  So we grabbed a couple (mind you I didn't want to get a maternity swimsuit I saw no reason why I couldn't just get a 2 piece and flaunt the belly) and went to try them on and quickly found out that I would have to have the largest top size possible to get my chest to fit into it.  Even then we had to have me try around 6 or 7 different ones to not only find one that fit nicely but that was cute still and not frumpy.  But I eventually found one and with my luck, it was on clearance so I got a new swimsuit for only $20

Stretch Marks:
No but I have been keeping an eye out

What I Love:
How much I am starting to show, I love when people that know I'm pregnant mention it and I flaunt it to the fullest, it is so much fun

What I'm Looking Forward To The Most:
Starting on the room (still) hopefully within the next week or two I will start buying things and starting to do stuff for the room

That I will gain too much weight and that something will go wrong, my sister in law that is pregnant too had to be hospitalized for a few days and we were all worried that they might have to deliver her baby early and she is even farther along then me so it worries me too.

Alright, some nights are better then others

Belly Button In Or Out:
Now according to my hubby he is saying out but although my belly button hole is much more shallow, but not enough that my belly button is sticking out or anything

Happy Or Moody Most Of The Time: 
Pretty good this week I am going with happy

Just more of the same, acid reflux, back pain, headaches are less though, and I had another charlie horse this week although not nearly as bad as the last one

I feel something, not sure if it is movement or not but I am guessing one of things that I am feeling must him so I am going with yes

The Belly:
It is there, I have had lots of comments and considering it is now getting in my pants way I would say it is getting bigger.  Hubby swears that it has grown tons in the past 2 weeks and before that it didn't really look like I was pregnant but now it definitely does

He can now recognize my voice, and the nerve cells serving  each of the senses are now developing into their particular areas of the brain. Complex connections required for development of memory and thinking functions are being formed.

So we went to the doctor and got some ultrasound pictures so I am going to post them here for everyone to see too.

He has a face now that you can see, it is pretty awesome!!

Friday, August 10, 2012

22 Weeks

Photo Thoughts: My hubby told me that my shirt was too loose so he told me to fold it up, but I am starting to look big now....

How Far Along: 22 weeks

Total Weight Gain/Loss:
12 lbs

Size Of Baby:
10.5 to 11.8 inches, about the size of a papaya

I eat pineapple daily, lots of sweet tarts, and whatever else comes to mind at the time

Maternity Clothes:
Yes, I have finally given in and am now wearing maternity clothes every day.  I went shopping with my mom and got three pairs of pants, 2 tank tops, and 3 shirts so I am now much more comfy.

Stretch Marks:
No but I am on the lookout still (So that is what I thought when I wrote this but that evening my husband was looking at me at pointed out that I do have some on the bottom half of my boobs, the part that I can't see, so apparently I do have some but they are tiny but it is now a yes)

What I Love:
My belly, I look pregnant now, its awesome

What I'm Looking Forward To The Most:
Continuing working on the bedding stuff that I am making, I love that I am doing stuff by hand for him, it makes it so much more personal

If I'm ready, I am a little younger then when I wanted to have kids (you know how you plan your life when you are little) and there is lots I still want to do but I know that once I see him, none of it will matter

It is still on and off, sometimes I will just crash and it's awesome, sometimes I do the stupid half asleep but not all the way asleep thing.  Also my boobs and stomach are starting to get uncomfortable to sleep on (I sleep on my stomach/side) and that might be part of the problem but I am hoping that I will still be good for awhile

Belly Button In Or Out:
  This is under debate, It has popped out but it isn't the button thing (where you can see it while wearing a shirt) and it is odd, the top part seems to be more out then the bottom, it is different

Happy Or Moody Most Of The Time:
  Happy this week!!  I am tired but it has still been a good week 

Fun story, so my alarm was going off Wednesday morning and I start to turn it off and I get a Charlie horse, so I get up and try to walk while trying to turn my stupid alarm off.  I finally get it off and then I get a Charlie horse in the other leg, I proceed to fall back onto the bad and have to force myself to stand up while like whimpering and my husband asking what is wrong with my legs.  They are now both sore and it hurts to walk again.  Some headaches, I had one really bad one but the rest weren't horrible.  That is mostly it, not a bad week.

Lots :) I am starting to tell when he is awake and moving and I talk to him so that he knows that I know he is moving around.

The Belly:
Showing and proud!!

With eyes and lips he is starting to look even more like a newborn, he sleeps 12 to 14 hours a day, he has sweat glands and his skin in becoming less transparent.

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Gender Reveal Party

So I know this is a very overdue post considering the party happened on July 1rst but it took a bit for my photographer (aka one of my good friends with a nice camera that I conned into taking all of the pictures of my party while being a guest too) to edit everything and then even longer for both of our schedules to connect so that I could get the pictures and you can't do a post like this without pictures so hence the wait time (oh yeah and then I was busy and even though I posted the pictures on FB already I haven't had time to write this if you couldn't tell from the fact that I am really behind with my weekly posts)

So I had seen this gorgeous photo shoot on a blog I then after had to start reading called My Life in Transition of a gender reveal where they had a giant box and when they opened it balloons of the right color came out (obviously it was set up by someone else) and that is how they found out.

So I decided that I wanted to have a party and that is how hubby, all of our family, our friends and I would find out what we are having (with the exception of one friend that planned the entire thing and had to know to set it all up).  So once we had the date of the utrasound we made a date for the party and crossed our fingers that the tech would be able to see what it was.

She was able to and I dropped the envelope over at my friend's house and then it was wait time.  We had the appointment on a Friday and the party was on a Sunday (it is the best day for the majority of the people to come) so we didn't even have to wait that long.

Sunday comes around and after frantic cleaning on my part (I had to, my grandma was going to be there) it was time for the party.  The friend planning it came over with everything and brought this fun huge box.

So how it worked is there was ribbons holding it closed and hubby and I were on either side of the box, pull the ribbon and blue or pink balloons came out.

Yup we are having a boy and I was only a little bit shocked.....  OK maybe a lot, but we have a lot of girls in my family and so I had only really thought about having a girl.  So it was a surprise but it is a good one, and when I saw the ultrasound picture it was very obvious that he is a boy

My hubby had gotten me a new charm for my bracelet to celebrate the occasion (he had actually gotten one for a girl and one for a boy and we just returned the girl one) and it was tied to the main balloon.  After everyone knew what it was my amazing friend got to setting up all the food which of course was all blue and was awesome.

And my roommate made a great sign that we put over the table, and it will be able to be reused during the baby shower.  I don't have any pictures of them but we did a cute paper where everyone guesses when they think he is going to be born, and how big he is going to be.  It is a fun game that will continue into my baby shower and whoever wins will get a big prize that we don't know what it is yet (we have time, it's ok).

So that was my party, it was so much fun to have both families over with our closest friends and to have everyone find out together as a big family.

Sunday, July 22, 2012

19 Weeks

Photo Thoughts: Odd week, no picture

How Far Along:
19 Weeks

Total Weight Gain/Loss:
5 lbs

Size Of Baby:
6 inches, about the size of a mango

Pineapple, that's pretty much it

Maternity Clothes:
Nope, not yet

Stretch Marks:
Nope but I am keeping an eye out

What I Love:
Planning everything, making lists and starting to figure everything out

What I'm Looking Forward To The Most:
Buy fabric to start making everything for his room

That not everything will be done in time but I'm hoping by being organized I will make sure that doesn't happen

Like a rock, but I can never get enough

Belly Button In Or Out:

Happy Or Moody Most Of The Time:
I can't decide this week.  I have been all over the place, one day will be horrible and hard and the next will be great and it isn't really anything anyone else is doing it is just me being crazy and having mood swings but luckily I have a wonderful husband that puts up with me and just makes me feel better all around

Back pain has been annoying this week, and I got a fun new symptom, acid reflux which I am still learning how to deal with. I also got the mother of all Charlie Horse's on Thursday night and my calf is still sore, 2 days later, it sucks.  And my nausea has returned slightly so it hasn't been a good week for symptoms.  Oh yeah and the headaches still won't go away.

Might be feeling something might not, I will figure it out at some point

The Belly:
Small but existent now, according to my mom it is cute

Nerve cells for his sense of taste, smell, touch, sight and hearing are developing in his brain. His permanent teeth buds are forming  behind the already formed milk teeth buds.

Sunday, July 15, 2012

18 Weeks

Photo Thoughts: You can see the dog food bowl and the color is a bit dark to see but I at least look cute

How Far Along:
18 weeks

Total Weight Gain/Loss:
I'm still at 4 lbs which is perfectly fine :)

Size Of Baby:
5.6 inches about the size of a sweet potato

Not much

Maternity Clothes:
Nope but maybe in a month or 2....

Stretch Marks:
No but one of my good friends had mentioned a body butter or something that can help so I am thinking preemptively and going to find some good stuff and start using it so that hopefully I won't get any at all, so if you know of any let me know, I would love any help at all.....

What I Love:
Everything, although I see my stomach getting larger and although I wanted it, it is a little weird but then I remember that I am not just getting fat and then it's better

What I'm Looking Forward To The Most:
Getting stuff, planing the room, starting to actually do stuff besides just being pregnant

Not having everything ready in time, I work a lot and don't have tons of time to work on stuff but I want to do a lot of things myself (like sew the bedding etc, etc) so if I don't start early then I might not get it all done in time and I don't even know where to start. 

Great except for the one nightmare that freaked me out so bad I had to go and find my hubby and make him come to bed with me because I didn't want to go back to sleep by myself.

Belly Button In Or Out:

Happy Or Moody Most Of The Time: 
Happy, it has been a much better week

Headaches, all the time, but at least in different spots on my head. Tylenol seems to have no effect on me, I miss my Iboprofun, but that is probably why they let me take Tylenol, because it isn't strong enough to do any harm but it doesn't help either :( My back is still hurting too but that is more annoying then anything else.  Other then those I am good.

I am pretty sure that I am feeling movement but I have nothing to compare it to so I am not sure yet really.

The Belly:
It is starting to get there, my mom and grandma had me show it off when they were getting their toes done and even the nail people were saying that when I did that (aka lift up my shirt so everyone can see my bare stomach, yeah I'm kind of shameless) they said I am actually looking pregnant.  Which is a yay but it makes it harder to hide it at work because I tend to not wear loose shirts.

He can now hiccup, yawn, suck, swallow, twist, roll, punch, and kick. He is starting to get fingerprints and toe prints (The book phrased it differently but I am trying to put it into my own words) and his prostate is now forming because everyone wants to know about that :)

Sunday, July 8, 2012

17 Weeks

Photo Thoughts: Odd week, no picture

How Far Along:
17 weeks

Total Weight Gain/Loss:
This confuses me, I'm back up to 4 lbs now....

Size Of Baby:
5.1 inches about the size of an onion

Not much still, I am just eating normal food, not too much of the same thing

Maternity Clothes:
I finally got new bras because my old ones had been hurting me and apparently it was because I had grown 2 cup sizes and never got new ones until now, oops...

Stretch Marks:
None but now I am scared that I am going to get them on my chest because apparently I am getting a bit larger there

What I Love:
Knowing the sex, it is so nice to know what I am having because now I can start buying stuff.  Having new bras, you have no idea how much I love having a bra that fits again.  And knowing that the Down syndrome/ spina bifida test came back completely normal, yay!!!

What I'm Looking Forward To The Most:
Making a quilt for my little boy and starting to get him clothes and picking out his name.

That I am going to get stretch marks........

When I get it, it is wonderful

Belly Button In Or Out:
In but I swear when I poke at it, it isn't as deep as it once was...

Happy Or Moody Most Of The Time: 
This has been a hard week, I didn't get lots of sleep and I worked a lot so I was pretty moody, lots of random crying and snapping at people

Headaches and back hurting is pretty much it, not that bad right now

I might be feeling something but I am not sure yet, only time will tell I guess

The Belly:
Small but getting there

He can hear sounds outside the body now and some might even make him jump. Fat is starting to form under it's skin.

16 Weeks

Photo Thoughts: Much better picture this week, mostly because I finally got my camera back, much happier with it.

How Far Along:
16 Weeks

Total Weight Gain/Loss:
I am  officially back to my normal weight but my doctor

Size Of Baby:
4.6 inches, the size of an avocado

Nothing, I haven't been having cereal as much, I had hubby get me some bear claws but that was pretty much it

Maternity Clothes:
Nope although my mom saw me sitting and tried to convince me that I needed to start wearing maternity pants, then I stood up and showed her that my pants are still falling off of me and I was just sitting at a really odd angle

Stretch Marks:

What I Love:
Going to the doctor, which was amazing and scary at the same time. hubby got to finally see the baby in real life (as much as you can when it is still in me) and it is actually looking like a person now, we saw a head with a face and an arm with joints and hands and everything.  But when we went in to talk to the doctor he told us about a test that we are far enough along to take which will give us an idea on how big of a chance there will be if our baby has Downs syndrome or spina bifida.  After discussing it we decided to take the test to try and ease my husbands mind, because he has a cousin with Downs syndrome so he is worried that it might show up again in our child.  We find out the results this week so keep your fingers crossed for good news.

What I'm Looking Forward To The Most:
Picking out a name and finally starting to get baby stuff.  Although my sister in law gave me a bunch of baby clothes so I am already off to a good start

Pretty much see above in what I love, it ended up in there

Great, I do it all the time and can't get enough

Belly Button In Or Out:

Happy Or Moody Most Of The Time:
Happy, I cry at the drop of a hat though, even when I shouldn't, I have had times where I was just frustrated and it came out in tears that wouldn't stop. 

Headaches and my new fun one is probably from the fact that my new full time job is a desk job whereas I am used to moving all the time so I have started getting cyatic (syatic?  I do not know how to spell that) pain so I am dealing with that now too

None but any time now

The Belly:
Small but showing a little, I purposely wear tight t-shirts so that my friends and family will look and that people that don't know will just think I am getting chunky :)

It's nervous system is working now and it's muscles are responding to stimulation so it can coordinate movements. It can hear my voice now and the taste buds are developing.

Friday, June 22, 2012

15 Weeks

Photo Thoughts: No Picture this week :)

How Far Along:
15 weeks

Total Weight Gain/Loss:
So I am only a half a pound over my non-pregnancy weight right now so not sure what that is about but sure, I'm not complaining

Size Of Baby:
4 inches, about the size of a naval orange

I have had 3 cans of pineapples this week, does that count?

Maternity Clothes:
Nope although according to my pregnancy books I should start having my pants get tight enough that I might want to start looking at maternity ones... I'm not, my jeans hang off of me as it is, so no big difference

Stretch Marks:

What I Love:
That I am getting close to my half way mark, but it all just seems to be dragging on....

What I'm Looking Forward To The Most:
Next week!!!!!!! I am going to try to convince my roommate to do a special board for when we find out the sex (we find out 3 days after my 16 week picture, so I'd like to do a second one in honor of finding out)

That everything isn't OK with the baby because I don't seem to be gaining any weight but one more week and the doctor will tell me everything is OK

Still having weird dreams sometimes and I had a few nights of sleeping horribly, like feeling like I got no sleep at all kind of bad but I seem to be OK now

Belly Button In Or Out:

Happy Or Moody Most Of The Time:

Headaches, some random cramps but not too much

None but hopefully I will soon

The Belly:

Milestones: It's skin is translucent almost and you can see blood vessels through it.  It's bones are starting to harden and retain calcium.