Photo Thoughts: Much better picture this week, mostly because I finally got my camera back, much happier with it.
How Far Along: 16 Weeks
Total Weight Gain/Loss: I am officially back to my normal weight but my doctor
Size Of Baby: 4.6 inches, the size of an avocado
Cravings: Nothing, I haven't been having cereal as much, I had hubby get me some bear claws but that was pretty much it
Maternity Clothes: Nope although my mom saw me sitting and tried to convince me that I needed to start wearing maternity pants, then I stood up and showed her that my pants are still falling off of me and I was just sitting at a really odd angle
Stretch Marks: Nope
What I Love: Going to the doctor, which was amazing and scary at the same time. hubby got to finally see the baby in real life (as much as you can when it is still in me) and it is actually looking like a person now, we saw a head with a face and an arm with joints and hands and everything. But when we went in to talk to the doctor he told us about a test that we are far enough along to take which will give us an idea on how big of a chance there will be if our baby has Downs syndrome or spina bifida. After discussing it we decided to take the test to try and ease my husbands mind, because he has a cousin with Downs syndrome so he is worried that it might show up again in our child. We find out the results this week so keep your fingers crossed for good news.
What I'm Looking Forward To The Most: Picking out a name and finally starting to get baby stuff. Although my sister in law gave me a bunch of baby clothes so I am already off to a good start
Worries: Pretty much see above in what I love, it ended up in there
Sleep: Great, I do it all the time and can't get enough
Belly Button In Or Out: In
Happy Or Moody Most Of The Time: Happy, I cry at the drop of a hat though, even when I shouldn't, I have had times where I was just frustrated and it came out in tears that wouldn't stop.
Symptoms: Headaches and my new fun one is probably from the fact that my new full time job is a desk job whereas I am used to moving all the time so I have started getting cyatic (syatic? I do not know how to spell that) pain so I am dealing with that now too
Movement: None but any time now
The Belly: Small but showing a little, I purposely wear tight t-shirts so that my friends and family will look and that people that don't know will just think I am getting chunky :)
Milestones: It's nervous system is working now and it's muscles are responding to stimulation so it can coordinate movements. It can hear my voice now and the taste buds are developing.
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