Saturday, September 29, 2012

29 Weeks

Photo Thoughts: Odd week no picture

How Far Along: 29 weeks

Total Weight Gain/Loss: 18 lbs

Size Of Baby: 15.2 to 16.7 inches about the size of an acorn squash (not that I have ever seen one of those....)

Cravings: I eat lots of fruit roll ups right now, I find them on sale and then buy like 4 boxes at a time

Maternity Clothes: I got some adorable new shirts courtesy of my hubby and I am in full swing for wearing maternity clothes, pretty much every day now

Stretch Marks: Still confined to my boobs but if my belly were going to get some in this trimester would be when it will happen so I am on the lookout

What I Love: The fact that we finished the bedding for him, so now our crib has not only a mattress in it but sheets on the mattress.

What I'm Looking Forward To The Most: Getting the rest of the room finished, I still have quite a bit to do but it seems to be coming along nicely

Worries: That I won't be prepared enough and we won't know what to do in time for him to get here

Sleep: Still lots of sleeping but haven't been sleeping great, weird dreams and not getting as comfortable as I could be.

Belly Button In Or Out:  Still the same, half and half 

Happy Or Moody Most Of The Time: Happy, it has been a good week. 

Symptoms: Back pain, headaches, acid reflux and then the fun random belly pains but other then those I am peachy :)

Movement: So much of it, I can not only feel it but also see it, it is kind of neat.   

The Belly: I think I look pregnant now but apparently everyone else says I am not that big for how far along I am.  But I definitely have a belly now.

Milestones: He is starting to regulate his own body temperature and urinates half a liter a day. His head is proportionate to the rest of his body and his brain is developing nerve connections. He can tell the difference between artificial light and sunlight.

28 Weeks

Photo Thoughts: Not a great picture (it is another iPhone picture) and the words now seem a bit dark and harder to read, hopefully I will find my camera charger sometime this week so the pictures will get better again.

How Far Along: 28 weeks and into the third trimester

Total Weight Gain/Loss: 17 lbs

Size Of Baby: 13.6 to 14.8 still about the size of an eggplant

Cravings: Nothing that I don't already eat, normal stuff :)

Maternity Clothes: Completely into wearing them, I look pregnant now (but apparently not to everyone) so I want to wear maternity clothes that way I don't stretch out my normal shirts

Stretch Marks: Still just on my boobs, I am keeping my fingers crossed that that is the only place I get them

What I Love: His movement, it is so fun to get to feel him move all the time

What I'm Looking Forward To The Most: Finishing all the stuff with his bedroom, we are almost done with the bedding and then I will bring it home and the crib won't look as weird by having nothing in it.

Worries: Well apparently I wasn't worried last week when it happened(or I was just ditzy and didn't remember it when I was writing this) but I got in a little fender bender last week and so when I went to the doctor I had him double check the heartbeat and he decided to kick right then, it was kind of fun but it was good to hear it and know that he is alright

Sleep: Good sleep but back to having weird dreams, anything from house burning down to finding my husband's iPad (mind you he doesn't own one) is full of porn... yeah my mind it a bit weird apparently.

Belly Button In Or Out: Still half and half but the top half is sticking out a lot more, you are starting to be able to see it through my shirt

Happy Or Moody Most Of The Time: Happy!! It was a good week, nothing to bad  

Symptoms: Back is hurting again and I get random belly pains but I have been told that is normal, not many headaches, and that;s it I think

Movement: Lots of movement, and it is not just kicking, weird moving feeling of limbs, but it is good to feel him

The Belly: I am thinking about starting to measure it to see how big I get in this last trimester but I definitely look pregnant now not just fat.

Milestones: He is capable of breathing air but if he was born now would have a hard time doing it outside my body. His brain is developing folds and grooves and is starting to get more fat so he is looking less wrinkly.

Sunday, September 23, 2012

27 Weeks

Photo Thoughts: No picture

How Far Along: 27 weeks

Total Weight Gain/Loss: 16 this week

Size Of Baby: 13.6 to 14.8, about the size of a rutabaga

Cravings: Nothing special, just hungry, want to eat lots of food

Maternity Clothes: So wearing them needing more because my normal clothes are not fitting as well anymore

Stretch Marks: All around my boobs, but that is it so far and my mom found a way to try and make them less noticeable so I am going to have to try it and see how it works

What I Love: Being able to see and feel him move inside me, it really is so cool and the fact that we now have a crib and have put it together

What I'm Looking Forward To The Most: Finishing the sheets so that we can finish putting all of the bed stuff together and his room will start looking more like a room

Worries: A little bit about the gestational diabetes test this next week but not that much

Sleep: I actually haven't been as tired but I still love my sleep and need lots of it

Belly Button In Or Out: Still the weird half in, half out, it needs to make up it's mind

Happy Or Moody Most Of The Time:  Happy, it was a good week, it went fast

Symptoms: Back hurt, and acid reflux, but that is all I can think of right now, it has been a good week

Movement: So much of it, you can see my belly kinda ripple when he kicks, it has become a game for me to watch it but tons of movement

The Belly: Looking big and getting bigger but still pretty adorable

Milestones: He is now showing brain activity, his retinas begin to form and he can open his eyes.  He will suck his thumb in the womb and and has fully functional taste buds and cheeks.

26 Weeks

Photo Thoughts: So back to crappy picture quality, I somehow managed to lose my camera charger so we had to resort back to the horrible iPhone.  And my dog Nala decided that she wanted to make an appearance, and was such a good dog to sit for the picture, otherwise, not horrible picture.

How Far Along: 26 Weeks

Total Weight Gain/Loss: Up to 15 lbs which is still pretty good

Size Of Baby: 13.6 to 14.8 inches about the size of a head of lettuce

Cravings: Cereal, and I keep thinking about cookies but I haven't had a chance to actually get some yet so maybe next week

Maternity Clothes: So because I am extremely spoiled, my grandma got a $100 gift card for free and decided to use it on me so I got a pair of slacks (I only need to wear them once a week but I have had to resort to wearing skirts every time and in about a month I will be very cold), a couple shirts and an adorable dress.  I had asked one of my pregnant friends where she got her maternity clothes in town (for as many kids people have here they seem to have a slim selection of kids and maternity stuff) and she told me about a place called Kid Connection so since my mom and I were in the area we checked it out and found some more clothes.  I got a few more shirts, another swim suit (my boobs are starting to pop out of my other one) and a nicer dress which I really needed because I know I have an event coming up

Stretch Marks: My poor poor boobs.... but at least the only people that see them is me, my hubby and soon to be my baby

What I Love: How active he is, I get to feel him move lots now

What I'm Looking Forward To The Most: Hitting the third trimester

Worries: Nothing specific this week

Sleep: Just can't seem to get enough, always so so tired....

Belly Button In Or Out: Still half and half, it is weird

Happy Or Moody Most Of The Time:  Half and half this week, I have had bad days and good days, they just seem to be kind of random

Symptoms: Back pain is back full swing but the doctor is my hero and the magnesium is working and I have no more Charlie horses so thank goodness for that.  Other then fatigue that is pretty much it this week.

Movement: So so much movement and it was so weird, I felt his head move, it was this big lump moving around, and he kicks lots and moves around although I can't normally tell what part of him is moving.

The Belly: Swear it is getting bigger and it is definitely there.

Milestones: He has eyelashes and is getting his  immune system ready by soaking up my anitbodies.  He is able to distinguish between light and dark from inside me and will respond to sounds.