Sunday, September 23, 2012

26 Weeks

Photo Thoughts: So back to crappy picture quality, I somehow managed to lose my camera charger so we had to resort back to the horrible iPhone.  And my dog Nala decided that she wanted to make an appearance, and was such a good dog to sit for the picture, otherwise, not horrible picture.

How Far Along: 26 Weeks

Total Weight Gain/Loss: Up to 15 lbs which is still pretty good

Size Of Baby: 13.6 to 14.8 inches about the size of a head of lettuce

Cravings: Cereal, and I keep thinking about cookies but I haven't had a chance to actually get some yet so maybe next week

Maternity Clothes: So because I am extremely spoiled, my grandma got a $100 gift card for free and decided to use it on me so I got a pair of slacks (I only need to wear them once a week but I have had to resort to wearing skirts every time and in about a month I will be very cold), a couple shirts and an adorable dress.  I had asked one of my pregnant friends where she got her maternity clothes in town (for as many kids people have here they seem to have a slim selection of kids and maternity stuff) and she told me about a place called Kid Connection so since my mom and I were in the area we checked it out and found some more clothes.  I got a few more shirts, another swim suit (my boobs are starting to pop out of my other one) and a nicer dress which I really needed because I know I have an event coming up

Stretch Marks: My poor poor boobs.... but at least the only people that see them is me, my hubby and soon to be my baby

What I Love: How active he is, I get to feel him move lots now

What I'm Looking Forward To The Most: Hitting the third trimester

Worries: Nothing specific this week

Sleep: Just can't seem to get enough, always so so tired....

Belly Button In Or Out: Still half and half, it is weird

Happy Or Moody Most Of The Time:  Half and half this week, I have had bad days and good days, they just seem to be kind of random

Symptoms: Back pain is back full swing but the doctor is my hero and the magnesium is working and I have no more Charlie horses so thank goodness for that.  Other then fatigue that is pretty much it this week.

Movement: So so much movement and it was so weird, I felt his head move, it was this big lump moving around, and he kicks lots and moves around although I can't normally tell what part of him is moving.

The Belly: Swear it is getting bigger and it is definitely there.

Milestones: He has eyelashes and is getting his  immune system ready by soaking up my anitbodies.  He is able to distinguish between light and dark from inside me and will respond to sounds.

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