Photo Thoughts: No picture, odd week
How Far Along: 37 weeks
Total Weight Gain/Loss: 27 lbs
Size Of Baby: 18.9 to 20.9 inches, about the size of a winter melon
Cravings: Still nothing extreme. I just eat lots of small meals (I now have to because I get full so quickly) which made it really fun when I had 3 separate Thanksgiving meals
Maternity Clothes: I am looking for a cute dress to wear when I do maternity pictures, other then that just the same ones.
Stretch Marks: Nothing new, so I am hoping those are the only ones that I get. .
What I Love: That I am so close to the end. I love the look on people's faces when I say I only have 3 weeks left (because I don't look that far along). And just having him with me, I love knowing that he is right there all the time, it is going to suck when he is not just attached to me.
What I'm Looking Forward To The Most: I know I should be saying having this over with or being done, or getting to meet him, which is sort of true (I do want to meet him) but I like being pregnant. And being a mom scares me so I would rather just stay pregnant for as long as I can, I'm getting good at this and I am feeling good now so I guess I am looking forward to..... being off of work. I am down to only one job now (from my previous 3) and I have never taken so much time off at once, not even for my wedding so it is going to be nice.
Worries: I touched on it a bit before but I am worried that I'm not going to know what to do. I have read books etc etc but it is never the same as doing it yourself. I am getting more comfortable with the labor stuff (although now I know the signs of going into it I am paranoid about watching for all of the signs) but once he is out and with me, I don't want to just freeze. Hubby assures me that I will be a good mom and I will know what to do when the time comes but I am just not sure....
Sleep: Not great, I keep waking up and I actually had a night of insomnia, where I got maybe 2 hours and I wouldn't figure out why I wasn't sleeping (it was very annoying) but after that night it has been much better with not as much waking up except to flip over.
Belly Button In Or Out: Out.
Happy Or Moody Most Of The Time: Moody. This has been a hard week, I had my last day at one of my favorite jobs (I had been there for almost 7 years) and then it was Thanksgiving and I decided to do Black Friday because I normally have to work because I work retail so I could this year and I ran around for about 7 hours on Thanksgiving (places opened early so from around 7 to about 2:30) and then got up the next day and ran for about another 9 hours so by the end of the day I was so tired and stressed that I might have had a little breakdown that resulted in me going to bed at around 9.....
Symptoms: I had a headache that wouldn't go away for about 2 days (and when I told the doctor about this I was told to come in if it happens again because it could be a sign that I am having blood pressure problems) and normal back pain when I do things that will hurt it (sit in bad chairs for long periods of time etc) and still some belly pain but it is not as bad as it was.
Movement: He scoots around lots, but it seems like he is getting bigger and my belly isn't so he is just more cramped so he can't move around as much.
The Belly: I think it has stopped growing... it looks the same size to me and I would like it to be bigger (even one of the nurses commented that she didn't think I looked as far along as I am)
Doctor Visits: So I am going to add in this new one for the last few because I am visiting the doctor every week and he is checking to see how I am doing and how close I am so I thought since I post everything else about my pregnancy, lets post about how close I am to going into labor :) So my last appointment was on Wednesday (11/21) and I normally do Friday appointments but they were closed because of Thanksgiving. So they checked me and I am 75% effaced and 2 cm dilated so he said that we are just waiting for me to go into labor but he thinks it is going to be sooner then later, which would be nice considering I have everything planned around him coming on or close to my due date.
Milestones: He is developing his own immune system. He looks like an actual newborn now. (I am not sure why but none of my sources really has much for this week sorry :( )
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