Monday, November 19, 2012

35 Weeks

Photo Thoughts:  No picture, odd week

How Far Along: 35 weeks

Total Weight Gain/Loss: 24 lbs

Size Of Baby: 17.2 to 18.7 inches long, about the size of a coconut

Cravings: Just food, I am just hungry all of the time but I am really working on not eating everything in sight.

Maternity Clothes: Just got a new outfit for my shower and I have realized that I love leggings, I have never worn them before but my friend was helping me find something cute and had me try them and then I didn't want to take them off.

Stretch Marks: So I am so sad to report that apparently I also have stretch marks on the back of my thighs.  I have no clue why but I do and I am just very glad that I can't see them myself.

What I Love: Having him there, I keep thinking that once he is out, I won't get to feel him move all the time with me at work and everything so I am trying to take it all in while I can.

What I'm Looking Forward To The Most: Doing more things on my list, I have been slowly marking things off with the help of my wonderful hubby and it feels good to see that there items crossed off of it.

Worries: That I won't finish everything in time and that I won't know what I am doing.  Hubby has been wonderful with both of those saying we can always buy stuff as we go and that we have enough natural instincts to not completely screw up as parents and that there are much less caring people out there that have perfectly healthy babies so we should be fine (yeah the second part was less comforting but I appreciated the thought and the effort)

Sleep: Not as great, it is harder to be comfortable and I keep catching myself sleeping on my back which is bad for me and the baby so I try to roll over but it is so comfy to be on my back....

Belly Button In Or Out: Out

Happy Or Moody Most Of The Time: This was a very long week with lots to do so I am going with moody.  I had a couple freakouts when I had more to do then I had time for but thanks to my mom and friends everything got done and I didn't have to do most of it.  

Symptoms: Random belly pain, the top is still hurting  but I was told when he drops it should stop, but then I will have to pee all the time, which I think I would rather have.  My back has been on and off but not nearly as bad as it once was.

Movement: Not as much kicking, a lot more just scooting around and sticking his limbs in my ribs and hips which is fun in itself :)

The Belly: Getting much larger, a way I can tell is my maternity pants when pulled all the way up don't go to my boobs now, they are just slightly over my belly button, so the belly must be a decent amount larger from when I first started wearing them.

Milestones: 99% of babies born now survive without any mojor complications so that is a big yay!  The central nervous system is maturing, the digestive system is almost complete and the lungs are fully mature.

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