Sunday, August 26, 2012

24 Weeks

Photo Thoughts: Love the sign this week, I think I am slouching so I look bigger then I am, and my hair looks kinda funny because I had been swimming earlier

How Far Along: 24 weeks

Total Weight Gain/Loss: Still at 12 lbs

Size Of Baby: 10.5-11.8 inches still, about the size of a cantaloupe

Cravings: Not much in repeats this week, I'm just trying to not eat a ton because I seem to be hungry all the time

Maternity Clothes: Same ones

Stretch Marks: Same ones

What I Love: Getting to see him, and feel him (the ultrasound pictures will be at the end of the post) it was so cool to get to see him moving around and seeing where in me he is.  I also love the fact that I got a car seat (it was on a good sale) and it is my first big item for him so I am excited that we are getting started.

What I'm Looking Forward To The Most: Getting into the third trimester, it is pretty close so I am excited to hit that milestone

Worries: That I won't be ready for everything when he comes

Sleep: Lots of it, I remember some weird dreams but nothing too bad or that I remember

Belly Button In Or Out: Still half and half, it looks funny but it's cute

Happy Or Moody Most Of The Time: Happy this week mostly, I had one or two episodes but not nothing too huge 

Symptoms: Charlie horses, a little back pain and to make it fun, I went swimming and got horrible swimmers ear, it wouldn't go away for hours, it was bad.  But since I did get to go to the doctor this week I asked him about them and he told me to take magnesium for my charlie horses, to take some Aflin because it will help my ears drain (I know it sounds gross) and swimming will actually help my back so hopefully all of those can be helped.

Movement: He seems to like to sleep during the day and move in the morning and night

The Belly: I definitely have one but not everyone can tell and for being 6 months along I keep being told that I am looking tiny

Milestones: He is starting to develop white blood cells so that he can fight off infection.  His skin is becoming more opaque. His face and body are continuing to fill out and his muscles are growing, bones are strengthening and organs are continuing to develop

So at the ultrasound he had the hiccups so we could see his little chest jumping, we got to see a great footprint and he kept rubbing his eyes and touching his face, it was so neat to get to see.  They checked the heart again and everything is looking healthy.

1 comment:

  1. Of course he wiggles when you lay down. You quit moving so its not rocking him and when you lay down he has more room to move. And isnt it fun when they have the hiccups ? :)
