Monday, August 13, 2012

21 Weeks

Photo Thoughts: Odd week, no picture

How Far Along:
21 weeks

Total Weight Gain/Loss:
Up to 10lbs this week which I think is still pretty darn good

Size Of Baby:
10.5 inches, about the size of a pomegranate now if you don't remember how big 20 weeks was, it was 6.5 inches so he has grown a ton this week!! 4 inches is a lot to a baby

I eat pineapple every day, I was with my mom at Costco last week and saw a box of canned pineapple chunks and had to get it, I am eating about a can every 2 days

Maternity Clothes:
Nothing besides by belly band but I think I might break down soon and get maternity pants and some tank tops (to wear under my normal shirts because I don't think I am that big yet)

Stretch Marks:
No!! I had my hubby check yesterday because I was paranoid that I wasn't seeing them

What I Love:
The fact that I can feel him now, it is so weird and yet so cool at the same time and being past the half way mark.

What I'm Looking Forward To The Most:
My next doctors appointment, even though it is about 3 weeks away, I will get to see my little guy again

Not much this week, I have been pretty good on the baby front

It seems to come and go, my naps have been horrible this week, I swear I am only getting about 10 to 20 minutes instead of the normal hour so it has been bad but night sleep has been pretty good

Belly Button In Or Out:
I am officially out now, I have been playing with it, it's fun

Happy Or Moody Most Of The Time:
This week has had lots of ups and downs so I am going to have to say moody.  I have had days that have been really upset easily and then laughing so hard I am crying at something that isn't that funny.

Everything just seems to hurt, my legs,my belly, my back, my head, everything, it is discouraging. 

I had the best moment today, I was sitting at work and I felt like a roll where he is (mind you I had my Douala tell me where the top of my uterus is so that I would know exactly where he is) and I am like 90% sure that I had felt him flip over, it was so cool, and I am starting to distinguish what is him moving and not so i am going to say that there is officially movement now.

The Belly:
Showing, adorable loving it :) I touch it all the time and have no problem lifting my shirt up to show people, I'm sure I am completely embarrassing to other people but it's ok.

He is getting visible eyebrows, eyelashes and hair on his scalp.  His digestive system is developed enough that he is able to absorb water from the amniotic fluid. His taste buds are developed and can sense touch. He also will suck his thumb or stoke his face.

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