Monday, June 18, 2012

14 Weeks

Photo Thoughts: Again, crappy iPhone picture, I am having my husband try to find our real camera but he isn't finding it :(  Other then that I loved the board this week, Roomie is doing an amazing job on these.

How Far Along:
14 weeks

Total Weight Gain/Loss: 
OK my weight must be doing weird things because I am back to +2 lbs so no sure how much of that is baby

Size Of Baby:
3.4 inches, about the size of a lemon

Cereal still other then that I have just been trying to healthy

Maternity Clothes:

Stretch Marks:
Besides my false alarm nope

What I Love:
Being in the second trimester, it means I am a third of the way done and hopefully should start getting fat soon (I'm just kidding, well about getting fat but I am excited to be showing)

What I'm Looking Forward To The Most:
Next doctor's appointment of course because we will find out the sex and our Gender Reveal Party

That they won't be able to see the sex and then the party will be ruined

Funky, funky dreams this week so it made me feel a bit yucky but the sleeping part was good besides last night which was just not good

Belly Button In Or Out:

Happy Or Moody Most Of The Time: 
Happy, I am thinking and not coming up with anything too bad so I am going with happy

Most of the old ones have gone away but I have a fun new one, headaches, yeah that is a fun one considering according to my doctor I am supposed to take Tylenol not Motrin like I am used to

None but I am hoping that I will feel something soon

The Belly:
Tiny, unless you are really looking, I'm sure I mostly just look like a hold a little weight in my tummy

It's movements are less jerky and can bend, flex and twist its fingers, hands, wrists, legs, knees and toes. It is practicing breathing to get ready for when it leaves my body.

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