Friday, May 25, 2012

11 Weeks

Photo Thoughts: No picture this week

How Far Along:
11 weeks

Total Weight Gain/Loss:
Total 2lbs

Size Of Baby:
1.6 inches, about the size of a lime

Not much, I'm starting to wonder when those start of maybe I'm just not going to have any...

Maternity Clothes:

Stretch Marks:

What I Love:

What I'm Looking Forward To The Most: 
Getting to be a mom

Not being a good mom... I've been paranoid about not knowing what I'm doing because I have never really been around babies, toddlers, teenagers, I'm fine with but babies are foreign to me, but luckily I have my wonderful hubby to tell me that I will be great at it.

Good, just doing lots of it

Belly Button In Or Out:

Happy Or Moody Most Of The Time:
It's been a good week so I would have to say happy 

My nausea has seemed to come back somewhat this week so that sucks, but other then that my boobs still hurt and not much else, I have been pretty darn good

None but I am hopeful for soon

The Belly:

It has passed its critical stage, and it will be less of a risk of developing any kind of abnormality and will be less affected by drugs or infections.  By the end of the week it will double in size and all of it's organs are almost fully functional and apparently it is moving around gracefully in there.

Now I figured I should mention where I get all my information about the baby so that people don't think I am all knowing.  I get everything from 3 different places, my pregnancy book, The Pregnancy Bible by Joanne Stone and Keith Eddleman, The Bump website, and the I'm Expecting app on my phone.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

10 Weeks

Photo Thoughts: So I don't like this weeks, my eyes look funny, and for some reason the pixals look like poo (we took it really late at night) (I was going to retake it but now I am almost 11 weeks so oh well, this week will just not be my favorite picture)

How Far Along:
10 weeks

Total Weight Gain/Loss:
1.2lbs, I have finally gained a little weight

Size Of Baby:
1.2 inches, about the size of a prune

I have been eating a lot of cereal lately but other then that it is just everything pomegranate (I wish I could blame that on the pregnancy but I became obsessed with them about 4 months earlier so its a no go but I still can't get enough)

Maternity Clothes:
None that I am wearing

Stretch Marks:

What I Love:
Being able to say I am 10 weeks along, it feels so much more pregnant then 5, even though I still have a long way to go.

What I'm Looking Forward To The Most:
Finding out if it is going to be a girl or boy, I am starting to get antsy.

I've been good this week, just loving being pregnant

I have waken up some during the night to either move around (which I normally don't remember) or to go to the bathroom but I'm not 100% that is because of the pregnancy.  Other then that I am sleeping a ton, with 2 hour naps on most days....

Belly Button In Or Out: 
In :)

Happy Or Moody Most Of The Time: 
This has been a hard week....  I have been told multiple times that I don't seem to have my normal level of patience and so I might have been a little snappy...  So I might have to go with moody

Besides being moody, it hasn't been much, random nausea and a little boob pain but that is pretty much it.

None :(

The Belly:
I am finally starting to get a little one, I am very excited and wear tight shirts to show it off.

It is starting to get joints, its head is over half its length and it is starting to get external ears and fingernails (got to love Juno)

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Randomness And Cheesyness

So I had mentioned some things to my friend to tell her how uber-cheesy I am about this pregnancy and she said that I should post it on here because it was funny. 

The day that I took the second pregnancy test (the one that said pregnant or not pregnant) was the day it was really really real for me and that was a day that I went out of town.  I had planned it last month to go up north to the Festival of Colors with a couple friends and when I took that test that morning I was so thrilled that the first day with my child would be at this wonderful event.  It was a wonderful experience in general, just something where it is all fun, there is dancing and music, and no matter who you are you are a part of it and it was amazing, it was a perfect way to bring my unborn child to.  (Now I am not going to post a full pictures of my friends because I never asked them to so I didn't think it would be nice) (And I am wearing a Hooters shirt which later became unrecognizable and the bandana was to cover my mouth during the throwing so I didn't choke and die)

Another cheeseball thing that I am loving to do is, there is a song that is popular on the radio right now called Glad You Came by The Wanted and the chorus is:

The sun goes down
The stars come out
And all that counts
Is here and now
My universe will never be the same
I'm glad you came
I'm glad you came
 I heard it and it makes me think of baby, at least the last 3 lines of the chorus, so whenever it comes on the radio, I look at my stomach and sing right to it, because it is true, my everything is going to change when it comes out but I am so glad that it is here, yeah I know I am a dork but it's a good thing that I love my child as much as I do.

Now this is becoming the most random post but it is stuff that I want to remember, no matter how stupid it is to other people.  I have been watching Sister Wives, now although I don't believe in that stuff at all it is like a car accident, you don't want to look but you can't look away and I saw an episode for Halloween and the family was all together carving pumpkins, dressing up and trick or treating together.  It made me excited because even though my version of that will be smaller, I am so excited to get to do the things that I loved as a kid with my kids.  I am a huge fan of all holidays and I want to share that with my kids.

I figured I might as well add Mother's Day into this post since it is so random anyways.  I had to work that morning and hubby worked in the day so when I woke up, he did too and asked if I wanted my present now or when he got off work at 6, I of course said now and went to get it.  I opened it and saw a beautiful charm bracelet with a pacifier charm on it, it was perfect and I was really wanting one of these bracelets so I was thrilled. 

So I went off to work and then after I went to my mom's house to give her a present and to have lunch with my parents and grandparents.  After that I went home and when hubby got home we went out to dinner at Texas Roadhouse and I got to have salmon (which I adore) and the yummy baked potato that is all covered in salt.  Then on the way home I noticed we weren't going the right direction, we pull into the movie theater and he tells me that he is taking me to see The Lucky One, I was so excited, I had read the book recently and had been wanting to see it but couldn't get anyone to go with me.  He hated it, which is funny to me because I thought it was so cute although afterwards I sat in the car and told him all the things that they didn't do right because it wasn't like the book.  It was a perfect first Mother's Day.

That is all for now but I will be back on Friday (or maybe Saturday if I'm running late again) for the weekly stat post.

Saturday, May 12, 2012

9 Weeks

Photo Thoughts: No picture this week although I am excited for next week

How Far Along:
9 Weeks :)

Total Weight Gain/Loss:
None really (mind you if I am under a full pound difference, I'm not going to say I have gained any)

Size Of Baby:
.9 inches, the size of a green olive

None so far that I can tell

Maternity Clothes:
Don't need any but I do have a top now so I am excited to get to wear it

Stretch Marks:
None, thrilled about it

What I Love:
Looking at my baby (via the picture and video) and knowing that it is in there, just growing

What I'm Looking Forward To The Most:
My next doctor's appointment where I get to hear its heartbeat again

None this week, I've just been flying high on getting to see it

Pretty good, not great but that could have been due to the fact that hubby was out of town most of the time

Belly Button In Or Out:

Happy Or Moody Most Of The Time: 
Happy week, it's been good

Random nausea, boobs hurting at random intervals, and other then that it's been a great week

None, but I can't wait

The Belly:
Nonexistent, not sure if that makes me happy or not....

It has now reached fetus status!!  It's fingers and toes are nearly complete, and it can make a fist.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

First Ultrasound

So today I went to my second doctor's appointment, my first ultrasound and it was amazing.  They didn't waste any time, I got to the room, lifted up my shirt, squirted the gel stuff (which wasn't cold at all like in the movies, it was warm) and I got to see it.  The tech pointed out the heart beating, which you could see moving, and measured it from bum to head, it was 2 cm.  Then I got to hear the heartbeat, and oh my gosh, it was so cool and fast, I was just in awe.  I videotaped the whole thing for the my husband, because he had to go out of town for work, OK actually my mom videotaped it but I was busy paying attention to everything.  That was basically it but here is the pictures that they printed out for me.

So I love how you can see it's little limbs that aren't yet developed, but it almost looks like a Plesiosaurs (the dinosaur that lives in water, and yes I did have to google that to find our the actual name).  I hope that it will be that cooperative with the next ultrasound appointment when we get to find out the sex.

Also since my mom and I had lunch beforehand and had some extra time we were going around town looking at baby stuff (which apparently in this town, the selection is slim) and stopped at the maternity store in the mall, just to look.  So we are wandering around and not only is everything really well priced, it's cute!!  Yeah I'm so excited to get new clothes once I get too large to wear my normal clothes.  Then we see a top and my mom asks, "Do you want it?"  I"m like, "Really!?"  She wanted to buy me my first maternity clothes, it was so sweet, and this is the shirt I got to have, even though I won't wear it for a few months at least.

(Obviously that isn't me, I got it from the site's website) It was a wonderful day, I got to see my baby and got to spend some fun time with my mom.

Monday, May 7, 2012

8 Weeks

Photo Thoughts: So you might notice that although this is on a chalkboard, it isn't with chalk, we tried to do a second time but it just wouldn't come off well and then when we tried, it didn't show up well so my amazing wonderful roommate came up with an idea, he is a graphic designer so he is going to design wonderful vinyl cutouts for me and put them on my board to look cute and adorable.  So I love this weeks picture, it is a better height and the words are so perfect, clear and cute.

How Far Along: 8 weeks

Total Weight Gain/Loss: None yet, I am still waiting

Size Of Baby: .63 inches, the size of a raspberry

Cravings: None yet, although I do know what I don't want, and when I get a place to eat or an item to eat, there is no arguing with me

Maternity Clothes: Nope, not even showing

Stretch Marks: Nope

What I Love: Being pregnant, it was a long week so I am coming up with much right now

What I'm Looking Forward To The Most: My doctor appointment next week, I can't wait to see it

Worries: That the doctor will give me bad news, but I hear that is normal

Sleep: Great, I am just doing a lot of it

Belly Button In Or Out:  In, very very in

Happy Or Moody Most Of The Time:  Happy this week

Movement: None yet, but I really want to

Symptoms: Not as much nausea this week (or maybe I am learning what to do about it better) my boobs are not hurting as much (but it does depend on the time of day), I have had some cramps this week too but that is basically it

The Belly: Nonexistent, but I keep staring trying to see one

Milestones:  It is starting to have a tongue and nostrils, it has it's basic structure in cartilage and bone cells are starting to replace it.