Monday, December 30, 2013

Liam: 12 Months

Likes: Cuddles, crawling, eating, throwing things, 

Dislikes: Being on his back, car seat (still), getting things taken away

Biggest Achievement of the Month: Turning a year

Biggest Challenge of the Month: Eating

Sleep: So he is still a great sleeper.  He sleeps through the night 98% of the time and most of the time when he wakes up he goes right back to sleep and we don't even need to go grab him.  Getting him down can be a struggle sometimes but we have been able to just set him down in his crib awake and he will fuss for a minute or two and then will fall asleep on his own. He has been going to be between 7 and 8 and waking up between 6:30 and 7:30.

He is also napping in his crib now, which for me is amazing because now I can do things while he sleeps. He naps anywhere from an hour to 3 hours in a day which is pretty darn good.

Temperment/Personality: Getting such a personality.  I am now getting told that I am going to have so much fun when he is a toddler.  He does get upset when you take away something he isn't supposed to have still but redirection does wonders if I happen to have something good. He is still so happy and does cute things for the sake of being cute.  He will try and "share" things (aka hand it to us and expect it back within 30 seconds) and loves doing anything to make us smile. He is a major drama king though. At the drop of a hat he will start bawling with big crocodile tears and then seconds later (especially if he gets what he wants) they will be gone.

Eating: So I put this as the biggest challenge and it is mostly because he is wanting to eat normal food and is refusing purees now which makes it more difficult to make sure he is getting adequate fruits and veggies. But he is getting really good at feeding himself which I am grateful for.  We have found out that he likes hamburger (just plain patties) and chicken nuggets.  I have set up a meal plan for him (I will prep the foods ahead of time so I am not cooking all of the time) and we will start this within the next week and hopefully he will like everything we give him.  He loves having what we are having, I think it makes him feel like a big boy.  We are still breastfeeding although pumping has now stopped.  He will take whole milk (on most days) and I just breastfeed him when I am home with him.  Not sure when I am going to wean because the boy does love his boob.

The Superficial: He is still tiny for his age. Barely 20 lbs (now that we have had his 1 year appointment we know he is 19 lb 10 oz) He is getting a lot more hair (mostly in the back) but since it is really blonde it is hard to see in pictures and whatnot. His are definitely going to stay blue which I love and he gets complimented on them all the time. He is still kind of chunky but has lost a bit of it, I am sure to all the moving around he does now.

Milestones & Firsts: He likes to blow raspberries.  His new thing that he just started doing is shaking his head no.  Sometimes it is in context and sometimes it is not but he thinks it is hilarious. 

He also has started putting correct shapes in correct holes (my mom has a toy for that) and he started it completely on his own. He was trying to shove a green ball into the green circle hole and since it didn't go with that toy, it didn't work but when I gave him the right one, he did it with no problem. He doesn't have all of the shapes down yet though, he is great at the circle and decent at the square, the rest he is still working on.  Not only he is putting them in there though, he also knows that if he then hits the button it will give him the shape back so that he can do it again.

For firsts, he had his first night away from both mom and dad. Hubby surprised me with a night out of town and we had our nieces watch Liam and it went just fine.

He also had his first Thanksgiving and his last first holiday, which is a little sad.  He is growing up.... But he loved all the food at Thanksgiving and it went well, not that I remember much, I was sick and not paying too much attention to anything.

And lastly he had his first birthday obviously.  It went great and there will be a post about it soon (it is mostly written, it just need to add the pictures)

So I am not going to be doing weekly pictures anymore.  As much as I have loved them, it was a lot of work and he is not wanting to sit still for them really anymore. I will do monthly ones and still do monthly posts but I am not sure I am going to keep the format that I have now. I guess I will figure it out before his 13 month post.

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