Thursday, March 28, 2013

Liam: Three Months

So obviously I am a bit behind with these and I am writing the 3 month one late so it probably won't be as descriptive as it could be because I can't really remember what he was doing then verses what he is doing now but I am going to do my best.

Likes: Baths, standing, being held, naked time, tummy time

Dislikes: Being put down, being sick, getting out of baths

Biggest Achievement of the Month: Getting healthy again

Biggest Challenge of the Month: Being sick :(

Sleep: Getting much better.  He still likes to wake up a couple times when I am on baby duty but he sleeps almost completely through or only wakes up once for Cody.

Temperment/Personality: It was bad this month.  He was sick for about 2 weeks and although it wasn't anything serious (thank goodness) he was just uncomfortable and therefore cranky.  So we spent lots of time holding him because that was the only way we could get him to relax during the day.  Near the end of the month I could tell he was feeling better because he went back to being his normal happy self and pretty much only cries when he is hungry or really tired but doesn't want to sleep (yeah it is tons of fun when he does that)

Eating: Eats like a champ, I was worried with him not feeling well that he might eat less (I was told that was something to watch for) but he never wavered   I got a new nursing cover that works amazing and he will actually eat under it (verses my old method of just putting a blanket over him, making him very warm and then he doesn't want to eat) so that is awesome.

 The Superficial: All of the skin issues have gone away!!!  He is all clear now except when I don't notice his nails have gotten long and he scratches himself.  He is getting big, I want to say a minimum of 12 lbs now (but he is probably bigger) and he is officially in the 0-3 month clothes now.

Milestones & Firsts: So the chart that I was using from Baby Center has disappeared   It has the link and when I click on it, it goes to like an article (which is so not easy to just skim like an actual chart is) and it doesn't even hit every month. So I was googling to find a new milestone chart and it is back at Baby Center they just updated the look of it so we are all good now.

He is rolling over now and does what the site calls a mini push up (which is where he lifts up his head and shoulders during tummy time).  He smiles so much which is so much fun. He holds his head up really well and loves to try and stand which he can do, we just hold him because he has no balance yet.

As for firsts he had his first sickness which was hard but he was so great during it even though we know he was unhappy about it.

(Because I am writing this post when he is almost 4 months old it isn't as thorough as it could have been but I also have realized I need to make notes of things that he does so that by the end of the month I know what cool things have happened and I don't just write about the things that happened at the end of the month)

Liam: Two Months

Likes: Eating, being held, getting played with, naked baby time, tummy time

Dislikes: Getting put in his carseat, rolling over (he pretty much cries whenever he is doing it), getting water on his face (my bad on that one but it made him scream), getting his head oiled down

Biggest Achievement of the Month: Rolling over

Biggest Challenge of the Month: Not going to sleep until late

Sleep: He seems to like sleeping for hubby, but not for me.  When hubby puts him to bed he sleeps normally until 4 or 5 when he wants to eat.  When I do it, he stays up half the night and wants to be fed at 3. And during the day he seems to be awake a lot more, so he isn't sleeping as much but when he does, he can still sleep through anything.  I wonder when he stops being able to do that and we have to be quiet when he sleeps.

Temperament/Personality: He is still very sweet and happy although when he does get upset he can really scream.  He was having some problems with his nightly feeding where he would be just so upset that the boob couldn't soothe him and hubby would have to give him a bottle to get him to calm down but he seems to have stopped that.  Other then that he spends lots of time cooing and smiling, which I love.  He is still very expressive and so fun to watch.

Eating: He eats quite a bit but he has developed a fun habit where in the evening he gets so tired and cranky that I can't get him to latch and then hubby has to give him a bottle.  Other then that he is a great eater.

The Superficial: So this has been a bad month for his skin.  He was still struggling with baby acne, and he got a case of cradle cap which meant I got to oil him down for a couple days to get rid of it (it wasn't a bad case of it though).  Then we noticed that he seemed to be getting a rash, so of course like any normal person I googled and after talking to my sister in laws, thought he might be having an allergic reaction (it was only on his torso and arms though so we knew it wasn't from his clothes because it would have been on his legs too).  Apparently one of the most common things to be allergic to is mom drinking milk.  So I have stopped eating dairy temporarily and the rash disappeared   Its very sad because I love milk but I should be able to slowly reintroduce it into my diet and he will get used to it. 

He is getting bigger and from me weighing him myself he is about 12 lbs. He also is officially out of his newborn clothes and into his 0-3 month clothes, which is fun and sad at the same time, because he is not my tiny little baby anymore.

He has the most beautiful eyelashes and his fingernails seem to always be claws, no matter how much I file them.  He is getting all fat too, he has back rolls, and leg rolls and I have to make sure I get in all of the folds when bathing him.

No Milestones or Baby Gear this month because apparently I forgot to finish writing this post, the chart that I was using for milestones has disappeared and I can't remember what he has done so I kind of suck this time.