Likes: Swimming, being tickled, crawling, pulling himself up, watching iPad
Dislikes: Getting teeth, not getting what he wants
Biggest Achievement of the Month: Actually crawling
Biggest Challenge of the Month: Teething
Sleep: So after last month and having issues with sleeping this month was going so much better. He was going down pretty easy and staying down until Cody woke up (6:30 to 7) and then he started teething at the end of the month. Then it all went to hell.
Apparently if he is in pain the only way he will sleep is if he is with mom so I have had (since it has just started it has only been for 3 nights so there will probably be some in next months post too) 3 nights of falling asleep with him in bed with me, one night of him being there all night and one night of him being there from 4am on.
So he is a bit attached right now, there has been lots of feeding to get him down and some use of baby iboprofun but we are surviving. He won't even take naps without me right now (which means I have up to 3 hours of just sitting there with him in my arms). And just screams when dad tries so it is up to mostly me. Hopefully it will be over soon and we can go back to having a baby that sleeps again.
Temperment/Personality: Very happy although not with everyone anymore. If he doesn't see someone on at least a weekly basis he seems to forget who they are and will just stare at them with a blank expression. No crying, not even if they hold him, he just stares and doesn't smile.
He is starting to get into everything so I am really keeping an eye on him and he is starting to cry when I take things away that he shouldn't be playing with (garbage cans, papers I need, things that he can choke on) but I don't do too much when he does that. It normally makes me laugh and I just give him the binky and tell him that it doesn't matter if he cries, he is still not getting it back (I do talk to him with full sentances because of course he can understand me).
Other then that he loves to play with us now. He grabs our faces and laughs when he pulls my hair (oh yeah he is going to be a fun toddler) and is much more interested in us now. We can intereact with him more now too, he will play peek-a-boo, and a fun game where we put a blanket on his head and he pulls it off. It is getting really fun to play with him.
Eating: He is a boy that loves to eat. We are still doing three main meals a day (breakfast, lunch and bedtime) and he has a variety of vegetables, fruits and cereal. We are starting to try finger foods and he won't eat the cereal puff things at all for some reason but have recently found out that we can get him to eat yogurt melts (and he feeds them to himself).
He is breastfeeding (or having a bottle depending on where he is) 4 to 5 times a day so he is still going strong on that too. And because of the teething thing, it seems to be a comfort thing right now too so there have been nighttime feedings for the first time in a long tim.
The Superficial: He is getting so big. He is probably around 18 lbs now so it is getting fun to carry him around. He is still in 6-9 month clothes and in size 3 diapers (something that I have not been recording but I should have been). He is still getting more hair and depending on the light, it is either blonde or strawberry blonde.
He has had his first finger foods and feeding himself. His first falls, once when in his rock and play at night (obviously we are no longer using it) and the other off my mom's bed but it was onto carpet. There were no major injuries from those, just some bumps but since he is so pale, we thing everything shows really easily.