Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Liam: Four Months

Likes: Standing, smiling, water, cuddling, his toys (finally), his fist (loves to suck on it)

Dislikes: Sunscreen (it was bad), sitting in his carrier (he keeps trying to scoot out of it)

Biggest Achievement of the Month: Grabbing 

Sleep: Doing alright.  There was a couple nights that I put him down with me at 9 (I work at 5am so I have to go to sleep early) and he decided that he was going to be awake at 5 and make dad be awake too, he was thrilled so we have been putting him down a little later (like 10ish which I know is really late for a baby but it seems to work) and he has been getting up at 6, 6:30 with his dad like he is supposed to.  He does normal get up once during the night to feed but that isn't too bad I figure.  Also he has decided that he no longer like swaddling so we just tuck his blanket around him kind of loosely so that he doesn't get cold.

Temperment/Personality: He is just so happy all of the time.  He smiles so much, and loves to coo and gurgle at us.  He still gets cranky when he gets hungry or gets really tired but once we feed or put him down to sleep he is normally all better.  He is becoming so aware now of everything around him and he loves to just stare at whatever new item or person he sees.

Eating: Still loves the boob. But we have his 4 month appointment on the 17th and I will talk to the doctor about starting to eat real food or see if I can hold off for a bit more

The Superficial: He is getting so big.  Compared to what he was when he was born he is huge now.  We want to say somewhere around 14 lbs so almost twice what he was when he was born.  I tried to have a glass of milk this month too to see if I could and nope, not yet.  Within a day or two his baby acne magically came back but I haven't drank any since so it has gone away now.  He is starting to get some peach fuzz hair and there is debate about what color it is but what I think is it is going to be a strawberry blonde. He is still very chunky and I love it, every roll makes me smile.

Milestones & Firsts: He can hold his head up really well now.  He loves to stand and we are pretty much his balance because he has none of that yet. He coos at us and will have "conversations".  He is grabbing at his toys and hanging on to them now, which makes him so much more fun to play with. He is also trying to sit up and according to one of his sitters he has gotten really close to sitting up by himself but I haven't seen it that much yet.

He had his first decently long car trip (45 minutes) and went to another town besides the one that he lives in.  He also wore his fist pair of shoes (I know he doesn't need them, this was done by my husband who just thought that they were adorable)  He had his first time playing with another animal (the chickens in the pictures and my parents dog he grabbed at a little.)

Favorite Baby Gear:
My new nursing cover which is amazing.  It is made from bamboo cotton so it is really soft and lightweight so Liam will actually eat underneath it.

My hands free pumping bra.  I can't believe I waited so long to get one of these, it is the most amazing thing ever to be able to pump and do other things at the same time. (it won't let me steal a picture)

His sleeper suit.  He had outgrown his first one and it was really warm on him (it was like fleece or something) so I went to Target and found another one that is more lightweight since it is getting warmer, actually fits him and has velcro so that it makes it harder for him to get out of it. (the picture is not the exact one, I can't find the right one of their website so I just chose one that is the same brand and looks kind of similar but now that I look at it this one looks like it is fleece and our isn't, it is just normal cotton)