Likes: Getting tickled, being held, his feet, sitting up, standing, his bouncer, swimming
Dislikes: Getting changed
Biggest Achievement of the Month: Sitting up on his own
Biggest Challenge of the Month: None really
He still gets up once or twice some nights but that is expected and most of the time we can put his binky back in and he will go right back to sleep.
Although because he is now in a big open crib instead of his confined rock and play he now loves to sleep in the weirdest positions I found him once on his stomach (which I know is bad), at the edge of the crib with his arm hanging out the side. In general we put him to bed on his back and he normally ends up sleeping on his side.
Depending on the night, if he wakes up around 3 or 4, on hubby's nights he will pull him into the rock and play in the room just to make sure if he starts fussing he isn't running across the house a ton. On my nights, if he wakes up after 5 I will pull him into bed with me so that I can sleep later (if he is with me, he normally lets me sleep until at least 8).
In general though, he isn't even eating at night, probably fed him 3 or 4 times total at night all month so I am so proud of him.
Temperment/Personality: Still so happy. But I can see his personality developing more. He is so interested in everything. He tries to grab everything, stick it all in his mouth. I can see hubby in him, he kind of does what he wants. And if you are not doing what he wants he lets you know. If you are having him sit and he wants to stand, he will arch his back and fuss until you stand him up and then he will be all happy again.
His crying face is the most adorable thing ever. He is just so expressive and he shows everything he is feeling, it is the most awesome thing. He is also very cuddly, like you do something to make him smile, and he smiles at you and then hides his face in your neck/shoulder. I know he won't be like that with me forever so I just treasure the time that is he like that.
Eating: Breastfeeding is going wonderful. On days I work he eats about 3 times with me and on my days off around 5 so that is going well. On eating cereal, he is doing great with that too. He has 4 TB of rice cereal mixed with pear juice in the morning and evening. And he just chows down on it. We have given him a couple jars of baby food and I am starting to get everything together to make his baby food myself.
The Superficial: He is freaking adorable and pretty much everyone compliments him on how cute he is. He is starting to get very chunky, so so many rolls on him now. He is definitely getting hair now and you can see that he is going to have a widows peak. The problem is that it is so light colored that unless you are close up and looking, it still looks like he is bald.
His nails grow so freaking fast, I tend to notice they need to be cut once Liam has scratches on his face from scratching himself.
So my mom pointed out that his clothes might be a bit too tight and that I should try a bigger size, and that he needs to stop wearing pants in the summer heat. So I tried a 6 to 9 month outfit and it fit nicely. Crap. In case you didn't remember, he was still in 0 to 3 month outfits. So apparently we have mostly missed the 3 to 6 month size. So I went through the boxes of lager clothes and pulled everything that was in the right size and for appropriate for summer.
Most of them were 6-9 months but there were some 3-6 month ones that worked. I don't know why I wait so long to change his outfit sizes, it is so fun that every few months he gets a brand new wardrobe. We also picked up some more outfits from Costco but we still need some more shorts for him and then he will be good for awhile.
Milestones & Firsts: He is sitting up on his own now, sometimes he does still fall but in general he is doing really well with it. He is trying to crawl, he has got the position down and gets in it and rocks, sometimes lunging for whatever toy we have put out of his reach to try to encourage him to move for us. He rolls over both ways and always wants to be on his stomach, which is making changing him so much fun. He is very vocal and does baby talk conversations with us. He is starting to recognize people, he definitely knows his family and our close friends verses strangers or acquaintances who he doesn't smile immediately at.
He had his first out of town trip (went went about 2 hours away for only one night to visit my hubby's brother) and it went really well, he slept on the car trips both ways so we had no issues like that but he didn't sleep well at night. I'm guessing he figured out he was someplace different and even trying to have him in bed with me, he still didn't sleep very well.
He also slept in his own room and in his crib for the first time.
My amazing video monitor that I have had since my baby shower and have not used because why did I need to use a monitor on the baby that is right next to me? I had hubby mount it on the wall and it makes it so nice. It beeps when he makes a sound (it also beeps whenever anyone closes a door nearby but that isn't that annoying) and then we can watch him to make sure he is actually waking up versus just fussing a little. I know it was from Target and the picture and link are the ones that look closest to it that I can find.
A toy that he loves right now is his Bright Starts Lights and Sounds FunPad. It not only lights up but it sings to him which he loves. It is also light enough that he can easily hold it himself which he loves because that means he can eat it. I love it because it is easy to take in the diaper bag and it isn't so loud that it is annoying when it keeps going off.
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